I am a little (well, a lot) late in this posting. Looks like the Turkey Roll is the last race of the year for me! It was a great race. Started out pretty chilly in Denton, with a very strong tail wind.
At the beginning of the race, heading out of Denton towards the country, the hills were mostly gently sloping downward. I even set my fastest speed on my bike so far! A record 30 mph down hill. It occurred to me that while I was enjoying the fast pace, what goes down must come up and at the end of the race. I tried to put the mental pictures of pushing myself up the hills at the end of the race out of my mind and kept moving forward.
I made great time to the turn around. I stopped for some snacks and then headed back. I momentarily toyed with the idea of taking the 37 mile turn off to keep going, but decided that I should work with in my limits (since the only exercise I had partaken in since the last race was 3 whole spinning classes). A great decision on my part! The way back was torture. The wind picked up greatly and I was having a hard time getting up to 5 mph! It looked like the last 10 miles was going to take forever! On the first leg, I was making record (for me) time. Well, the record was blown on the trip home. I plugged along like a turtle. I found out later that I was battling 30 mph winds all the way home.
I finally pulled into the finish, tears welling up in my eyes. My knees were killing me. I hobbled to the truck, loaded up and headed home. The knee pain subsided within an hour and I was well pleased with my effort.
Looking forward to the spring rides!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Bathing Suit Dilema
I bought a new bathing suit this summer- a two piece job with full skirt and flowing yards of fabric meant to cover the bulges and pooches that had grown an altogether too large presence on my body. Well, since I have been in the pool almost daily all summer and at least weekly this fall, the chlorine has taken it toll on ym suit. Once new and tight, the top part's fabric hangs down to my knees. I knotted it up to keep it looking sort of normal. I have also lost about 30 pounds and with every lap I swim, I come dangerouly close to flashing my fellow swimmers.
The bottoms were a no go last week. They kept falling down and then trying to fall off completely. Losing weight is awesome, and I am not complaining here....not at all. So, why you ask me, did I not get a new suit? Well, the answer is twofold. 1) I am cheap. 2) I havent' found one that I like. 3) I was hoping to lose another 30 pounds each week that I put off shopping for a suit, hoping.....
You see, I knew that my next bathing suit purchase would have to be one that is ruffle-less, skirtless, and had only enough fabric to cover the important bits. That meant is had to be form fitting! Ahhhh the horrors. The ruffles and skirths just cause too much drag in the water.
So, while I have lost 30 pounds, I am still about 40 or so from my goal weight. So there is not a smooth polished body to slip into a sleek new suit.
Well, last night, my hubby pointed out a huge tear in the suit while we were sitting in the hot tub. So, on the way out of the gym, the top part of my suit hit the trash can.
That meant tonight before we could swim, we had to go buy a suit. So, one quick trip to Academy, our favorite sporting goods store, and I walked out with a Speedo! I now own a shiny new Lycra competition swimming suit. It feels like rubber and is smooth and beautiful -- on the rack that is.
I left the store grimacing. While the suit fits over all of the important bits and technically did its job, it isn't very flattering. All the way to the gym, I made dear hubby promise not to laugh or think badly of me when I stepped out of the locker room in my form fitting suit. I felt kind of naked. I have been used to yards of fabric covering huge parts of me. And while I know I was deluding myself to think that the old faded unstretchy flasher suit of yesterday was in anyway flattering, it was somehow comforting to me.
Dear hubby redeemed himself and told me it looked great and I didn't look fat. How sweet. I quickly got in the water, and took off swimming if nothing but to get my mind of my exposed Lycra covered self.
My black shiny suit surprised me. It was a bit buoyant in the water, and without the yards of fabric clinging to me causing drag, I sped through the water with such ease and speed. My arms were strong and I was freely swimming like never before. My shiny black suit proved its worth, even though I cover myself with a towel and make my way quickly to and from the locker room.
The bottoms were a no go last week. They kept falling down and then trying to fall off completely. Losing weight is awesome, and I am not complaining here....not at all. So, why you ask me, did I not get a new suit? Well, the answer is twofold. 1) I am cheap. 2) I havent' found one that I like. 3) I was hoping to lose another 30 pounds each week that I put off shopping for a suit, hoping.....
You see, I knew that my next bathing suit purchase would have to be one that is ruffle-less, skirtless, and had only enough fabric to cover the important bits. That meant is had to be form fitting! Ahhhh the horrors. The ruffles and skirths just cause too much drag in the water.
So, while I have lost 30 pounds, I am still about 40 or so from my goal weight. So there is not a smooth polished body to slip into a sleek new suit.
Well, last night, my hubby pointed out a huge tear in the suit while we were sitting in the hot tub. So, on the way out of the gym, the top part of my suit hit the trash can.
That meant tonight before we could swim, we had to go buy a suit. So, one quick trip to Academy, our favorite sporting goods store, and I walked out with a Speedo! I now own a shiny new Lycra competition swimming suit. It feels like rubber and is smooth and beautiful -- on the rack that is.
I left the store grimacing. While the suit fits over all of the important bits and technically did its job, it isn't very flattering. All the way to the gym, I made dear hubby promise not to laugh or think badly of me when I stepped out of the locker room in my form fitting suit. I felt kind of naked. I have been used to yards of fabric covering huge parts of me. And while I know I was deluding myself to think that the old faded unstretchy flasher suit of yesterday was in anyway flattering, it was somehow comforting to me.
Dear hubby redeemed himself and told me it looked great and I didn't look fat. How sweet. I quickly got in the water, and took off swimming if nothing but to get my mind of my exposed Lycra covered self.
My black shiny suit surprised me. It was a bit buoyant in the water, and without the yards of fabric clinging to me causing drag, I sped through the water with such ease and speed. My arms were strong and I was freely swimming like never before. My shiny black suit proved its worth, even though I cover myself with a towel and make my way quickly to and from the locker room.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Race Report: Springtown Spin! My first bike rally
Ok, so I have been riding my fat tire mountain bike for awhile now. The longest ride I logged before today was 10 some miles. In my self-improvement induced stupor, I figured I could muster the other 10 miles out of sheer determination and will power. Ha ha, so I signed up for the 20 mile race. I have been looking forward to my first bicycle event!
In preparation for my race, we pulled my bike out and dear hubby tried to adjust the gears and something broke. So bike in shop- not predicted to be done until after the race. In a panic, I tried out Dear hubby's bike for about 5 minutes, hoping I wouldn't have to use it.
Day before the race. Bike is ready. Whew.
Day of the race. I checked in at the registration desk and picked up the packet. Picking up the packet is so exciting. Usually, you get a goody bag full of stuff. Usually you get a t-shirt. This time we got socks, which were cool. But when I brought them home, Dear Hubby reminded me that when socks in our family go into the washer, little trolls (my children) steal them and I never see them again. So I am a little disappointed that I will probably only wear the socks once. sigh.
About 300 people were registered for the race, but only about 100 or less actually showed up. The start was very casual. The century racers were sent off first with, "Alright, take off." While we were waiting for our start, the race director asked if anyone was a first timer. A couple of us raised our hands, and the director shot us a very strange look- something between sympathy and pity. My stomach fell a bit and I suddenly became a little nervous.
She informed us that last year they told the riders that the course was flat. Several veterans laughed. She told us that the course was a little hilly! Well, I think that will go down as the understatement of the year.
We took off and I was pedaling furiously into strong head winds, just trying to not be last. I ride a Schwinn mountain bike, and as I have mentioned before- This bike is NOT made for speed. I wasn't the only one riding a mountain bike, but the others handlily passed me within the first mile. Well, more like within the first 1/4 mile.
I thought, that surely it can't be my bike if the mountain bikers are passing me. I must be that slow. So, I tried a little experiment. I matched my pedaling cadence with theirs in my lowest gear and realized something! It is my bike. I pedal as fast or faster and they are all passing me. I felt very inadequate on my big purple mountain bike. It was like I was standing still when the road bikes whizzed by making that very cool road bike whir sound.
My GPS app on my new phone talks in my ear and by the time the female voice chimed in to let me know I had traveled a mile, I was at the end of the line. By the time I hit 2 miles, I couldn't even see anyone. Remember the hill thing? Well, I think there was probably less than a mile of flat riding the entire trip. The whole course was going up a hill, to go down a hill, to go up a hill. I was pooped.
To make matters worse, I had eaten at 6 am (Shakeology and a banana) though full of vitamins and tons of good stuff, the shake has only 140 calories which was burned up before we even started at 9am. As we were pulling out, my stomach was growling. Fortunately for me, I packed a couple of protein bars, unfortunately for me, I didn't eat one soon enough.
Every now and then I would look up and see some kind soul on a beautiful speedy bike at the top of a far hill pulled over waiting to catch sight of me. They tried to be subtle, probably so my feelings wouldn't be damaged. It was very thoughtful and kind og them, but what they may not have realized was that I didn't feel bad. I was having a blast. I lived in Springtown years ago and was a first responder, so as I was riding along, I was remembering calls I responded to at houses I was passing and wrecks on the side of the road. In all of that time racing down these roads on a mission to save lives, I never had time to look around. This time, I was going really really slow and looking around. The scenery was beautiful.
At mile 5ish, almost attacked by a dog. Big dog. Very scary. Lots of adrenaline.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the reason so many people didn't show up was because there was a 60% chance for rain. Well, 60% turned into 100% at mile 8. My GPS lady just announced mile 8 in my ear when the downpour commenced. I pulled off the road and took shelter in a stand of trees and quickly put my cell phone (brand new smart phone) in a pouch I purchased on the way to the race. I tucked it under my shirt and prayed it would stay dry. I pulled back on the road and continued in the rain.
The first and only rest stop was at mile 13. I pulled in for a quick snack and drink. I told the ladies under the umbrellas that I suspected I was the last one. They assured I wasn't. But I am pretty sure I was. I was passed by everyone and didn't pass anyone. At that point, the 40 milers were starting to pass me.
I took off up the hill (surprise) and pedaled furiosly some more. A few minutes later a lady on a speedy road bike pulled up beside me from behind and started chatting. Weird, cause she had passed me a while back. She told me she turned off the wrong road and had gotten lost.
We stuck together for the rest of the ride and chatted the whole way back in the pouring freezing rain. Well maybe not freezing, but on a bike with high winds it felt freezing. We talked about bikes and races and how many hills we had conquered.
The last few miles went by much quicker with someone to talk to. I was so grateful that she had slowed down and kept me company. She was grateful too. Oh, and we passed several people on the way in the back stretch. A lot of people also took the truck in and didn't finish. I was quite proud of myself.
We pulled in with a time of 2:49 in the pouring rain. I quickly threw my bike in the back of the truck and headed home soaking wet. Cell phone in tact. Did I mention it was raining?
First bike rally down. I am hooked. Now I have to get a road bike so I can make that cool whizzing sound as I pass slow people on crappy mountain bikes.
In preparation for my race, we pulled my bike out and dear hubby tried to adjust the gears and something broke. So bike in shop- not predicted to be done until after the race. In a panic, I tried out Dear hubby's bike for about 5 minutes, hoping I wouldn't have to use it.
Day before the race. Bike is ready. Whew.
Day of the race. I checked in at the registration desk and picked up the packet. Picking up the packet is so exciting. Usually, you get a goody bag full of stuff. Usually you get a t-shirt. This time we got socks, which were cool. But when I brought them home, Dear Hubby reminded me that when socks in our family go into the washer, little trolls (my children) steal them and I never see them again. So I am a little disappointed that I will probably only wear the socks once. sigh.
About 300 people were registered for the race, but only about 100 or less actually showed up. The start was very casual. The century racers were sent off first with, "Alright, take off." While we were waiting for our start, the race director asked if anyone was a first timer. A couple of us raised our hands, and the director shot us a very strange look- something between sympathy and pity. My stomach fell a bit and I suddenly became a little nervous.
She informed us that last year they told the riders that the course was flat. Several veterans laughed. She told us that the course was a little hilly! Well, I think that will go down as the understatement of the year.
We took off and I was pedaling furiously into strong head winds, just trying to not be last. I ride a Schwinn mountain bike, and as I have mentioned before- This bike is NOT made for speed. I wasn't the only one riding a mountain bike, but the others handlily passed me within the first mile. Well, more like within the first 1/4 mile.
I thought, that surely it can't be my bike if the mountain bikers are passing me. I must be that slow. So, I tried a little experiment. I matched my pedaling cadence with theirs in my lowest gear and realized something! It is my bike. I pedal as fast or faster and they are all passing me. I felt very inadequate on my big purple mountain bike. It was like I was standing still when the road bikes whizzed by making that very cool road bike whir sound.
My GPS app on my new phone talks in my ear and by the time the female voice chimed in to let me know I had traveled a mile, I was at the end of the line. By the time I hit 2 miles, I couldn't even see anyone. Remember the hill thing? Well, I think there was probably less than a mile of flat riding the entire trip. The whole course was going up a hill, to go down a hill, to go up a hill. I was pooped.
To make matters worse, I had eaten at 6 am (Shakeology and a banana) though full of vitamins and tons of good stuff, the shake has only 140 calories which was burned up before we even started at 9am. As we were pulling out, my stomach was growling. Fortunately for me, I packed a couple of protein bars, unfortunately for me, I didn't eat one soon enough.
Every now and then I would look up and see some kind soul on a beautiful speedy bike at the top of a far hill pulled over waiting to catch sight of me. They tried to be subtle, probably so my feelings wouldn't be damaged. It was very thoughtful and kind og them, but what they may not have realized was that I didn't feel bad. I was having a blast. I lived in Springtown years ago and was a first responder, so as I was riding along, I was remembering calls I responded to at houses I was passing and wrecks on the side of the road. In all of that time racing down these roads on a mission to save lives, I never had time to look around. This time, I was going really really slow and looking around. The scenery was beautiful.
At mile 5ish, almost attacked by a dog. Big dog. Very scary. Lots of adrenaline.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the reason so many people didn't show up was because there was a 60% chance for rain. Well, 60% turned into 100% at mile 8. My GPS lady just announced mile 8 in my ear when the downpour commenced. I pulled off the road and took shelter in a stand of trees and quickly put my cell phone (brand new smart phone) in a pouch I purchased on the way to the race. I tucked it under my shirt and prayed it would stay dry. I pulled back on the road and continued in the rain.
The first and only rest stop was at mile 13. I pulled in for a quick snack and drink. I told the ladies under the umbrellas that I suspected I was the last one. They assured I wasn't. But I am pretty sure I was. I was passed by everyone and didn't pass anyone. At that point, the 40 milers were starting to pass me.
I took off up the hill (surprise) and pedaled furiosly some more. A few minutes later a lady on a speedy road bike pulled up beside me from behind and started chatting. Weird, cause she had passed me a while back. She told me she turned off the wrong road and had gotten lost.
We stuck together for the rest of the ride and chatted the whole way back in the pouring freezing rain. Well maybe not freezing, but on a bike with high winds it felt freezing. We talked about bikes and races and how many hills we had conquered.
The last few miles went by much quicker with someone to talk to. I was so grateful that she had slowed down and kept me company. She was grateful too. Oh, and we passed several people on the way in the back stretch. A lot of people also took the truck in and didn't finish. I was quite proud of myself.
We pulled in with a time of 2:49 in the pouring rain. I quickly threw my bike in the back of the truck and headed home soaking wet. Cell phone in tact. Did I mention it was raining?
First bike rally down. I am hooked. Now I have to get a road bike so I can make that cool whizzing sound as I pass slow people on crappy mountain bikes.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Clean Air 2010- Bike Rally
In conjunction with National Alternative Fuel Day (October 15) the City of Fort Worth along with the T, Fort Worth ISD, Atmos and other sponsors hosted a free bike rally in downtown Fort Worth. The rally was an 8.5 mile leisurely ride through downtown and along the Trinity River.
I found out about it on Friday while I was browsing Active.com looking for future races. After an uncomfortable night with some stomach indigestion, I got up at the crack of dawn, loaded my bike up and headed down to Sundance Square. I love downtown Fort Worth and if we were DINKS we would live there in a cool condo...
Anyway, I registered too late for a t-shirt, but got a weird bag that one of my girls will love to have. We started off a 9:00am. There were probably about 200 people including kids, adults and even an obnoxious barking Jack Russell terrier rading a specially made doggie trailer.
We had to follow the Fort Worth Police bike cops, and they had the donut eating cops in the lead, so the pace was very slow about 9 mph. Those of us riding mountain bikes broke rank and hit the dirt along the trail and then got busted by the in-shape cops for going ahead of the donut leading cops. So, back to the pack again.
It was fun and lasted a little over an hour. I enjoyed the ride and hanging out with other bike enthusiasts. It was fun seeing everyone's really cool bike jerseys and colorful outfits.
The whole point of the day was to encouage poeple to ride their bikes instead of driving. Apparently, according to their statistics, 50% of all people live within 5 miles of their work. And apparently that is a commutable bike distance. I work over 30 miles from home, but if I worked closer, I would commute by bike. Last summer when I attended a training in Colleyville, I rode my bike there one day and totally loved it.
Go ride!
I found out about it on Friday while I was browsing Active.com looking for future races. After an uncomfortable night with some stomach indigestion, I got up at the crack of dawn, loaded my bike up and headed down to Sundance Square. I love downtown Fort Worth and if we were DINKS we would live there in a cool condo...
Anyway, I registered too late for a t-shirt, but got a weird bag that one of my girls will love to have. We started off a 9:00am. There were probably about 200 people including kids, adults and even an obnoxious barking Jack Russell terrier rading a specially made doggie trailer.
We had to follow the Fort Worth Police bike cops, and they had the donut eating cops in the lead, so the pace was very slow about 9 mph. Those of us riding mountain bikes broke rank and hit the dirt along the trail and then got busted by the in-shape cops for going ahead of the donut leading cops. So, back to the pack again.
It was fun and lasted a little over an hour. I enjoyed the ride and hanging out with other bike enthusiasts. It was fun seeing everyone's really cool bike jerseys and colorful outfits.
The whole point of the day was to encouage poeple to ride their bikes instead of driving. Apparently, according to their statistics, 50% of all people live within 5 miles of their work. And apparently that is a commutable bike distance. I work over 30 miles from home, but if I worked closer, I would commute by bike. Last summer when I attended a training in Colleyville, I rode my bike there one day and totally loved it.
Go ride!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Race Report: Tyler Rose 5k 10-10-10
This is my second race officially, but the first non-mud run (which, by the way are still the most fun of all). My daughter Daisy decided she wanted to run a marathon about 6 months ago. Since she is only 12, we all discussed it and came to the conclusion that a half-marathon would be a good first timer goal. So we registered her for the Tyler Rose Half Marathon on October 10, 2010.
So we wouldn't have to sit around smelling porta-potties and snoozing while she ran, Dear Hubby and I decided to run the 5k. Since school started back up and I was given extra responsibilities (those that were filled by a full-time person in the past) in addition to my current teaching assignment, I have been so busy and exhuasted that working out has taken a back seat. I know, I know: It would help all things if I worked out too. I am getting back into the swing of things.
After about 6 weeks of very limited exercise, and sporting brand new non-shoes (my Vibram Five fingers) I stood next to dear hubby in the very frigid temperatures in shaded downtown Tyler, Texas. We cheered our daughter on and shivered befor the start of our race.
The announcer stated that there were over 1600 people registered for the day and the half marathon was the biggest draw with 900 participants. Since I was sporting my new very unique shoes, I was keeping an eye to the ground. I could only find 4 fellow Five Fingers in the whole crowd. Two very cool looking college students walked by and my daughter told me later that they pointed to my feet and said, "whew we are not the only ones." Then while I was at the starting line a guy behind me asked me how long I had my VFFs. I told him that I got them yesterday and he gave me that, "Are you insane? You never wear new shoes to a race" look until I reassured him by telling him that I had been running barefoot for a couple of months. He felt better. I think it is silly to be so rigid and formal. It is a 5k, not the Boston Marathon. What is the worst thing that could happen if I wore new shoes and something went awry? Ooooh a blister. Like I haven't dealt with that before.
The race started out chilly and I quickly realized as we took off down the first hill that my shoes were not going to be the problem. They were actually quite comfortable. My big problem was my pants. I was wearing spandex shorts that were about knee length and apparently too big. My pants kept falling down! I would run about 3-5 steps and have to yank my pants up. It was pretty embarrassing. Eventually, my belly swelled or something, cause they stopped falling down.
The run was fun and I really enjoyed most of it. I was greatful to have the VFFs. Running this course would have been torture on the feet. There was a large stretch of road that was paved with large chunks of rock and tar. Ouch.
The course was full of rolling hills and we were either climbing or descending a hill of some sort for most of the course. I only had to stop a couple of times to walk. I wasn't the fastest one out there, as I was being passed by women pushing strollers. I think I finished before the old man in the walker and the lady with the oxygen tank though.
I actually came in 27th in my age group with a time of 38:11! That is a 13ish minute mile. Not so hot, but it gives me something to strive for in the future. All in all it was a great day, finished off by bananas, protein bars and Subway provided by the sponsors. I would do it again, but I really want to do more obstacles and much more mud.
So we wouldn't have to sit around smelling porta-potties and snoozing while she ran, Dear Hubby and I decided to run the 5k. Since school started back up and I was given extra responsibilities (those that were filled by a full-time person in the past) in addition to my current teaching assignment, I have been so busy and exhuasted that working out has taken a back seat. I know, I know: It would help all things if I worked out too. I am getting back into the swing of things.
After about 6 weeks of very limited exercise, and sporting brand new non-shoes (my Vibram Five fingers) I stood next to dear hubby in the very frigid temperatures in shaded downtown Tyler, Texas. We cheered our daughter on and shivered befor the start of our race.
The announcer stated that there were over 1600 people registered for the day and the half marathon was the biggest draw with 900 participants. Since I was sporting my new very unique shoes, I was keeping an eye to the ground. I could only find 4 fellow Five Fingers in the whole crowd. Two very cool looking college students walked by and my daughter told me later that they pointed to my feet and said, "whew we are not the only ones." Then while I was at the starting line a guy behind me asked me how long I had my VFFs. I told him that I got them yesterday and he gave me that, "Are you insane? You never wear new shoes to a race" look until I reassured him by telling him that I had been running barefoot for a couple of months. He felt better. I think it is silly to be so rigid and formal. It is a 5k, not the Boston Marathon. What is the worst thing that could happen if I wore new shoes and something went awry? Ooooh a blister. Like I haven't dealt with that before.
The race started out chilly and I quickly realized as we took off down the first hill that my shoes were not going to be the problem. They were actually quite comfortable. My big problem was my pants. I was wearing spandex shorts that were about knee length and apparently too big. My pants kept falling down! I would run about 3-5 steps and have to yank my pants up. It was pretty embarrassing. Eventually, my belly swelled or something, cause they stopped falling down.
The run was fun and I really enjoyed most of it. I was greatful to have the VFFs. Running this course would have been torture on the feet. There was a large stretch of road that was paved with large chunks of rock and tar. Ouch.
The course was full of rolling hills and we were either climbing or descending a hill of some sort for most of the course. I only had to stop a couple of times to walk. I wasn't the fastest one out there, as I was being passed by women pushing strollers. I think I finished before the old man in the walker and the lady with the oxygen tank though.
I actually came in 27th in my age group with a time of 38:11! That is a 13ish minute mile. Not so hot, but it gives me something to strive for in the future. All in all it was a great day, finished off by bananas, protein bars and Subway provided by the sponsors. I would do it again, but I really want to do more obstacles and much more mud.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Barefoot Running Revolution
I hate running, as you may have noticed from my previous posts. My knees hurt, my back hurts and I am crippled for days after spending even the teensiest bit of time running. So I have read about tight IT bands and inflexible hip flexors and the like. I have been stretching and rolling with no real results.
So then I read about barefoot running and decided to give it a try. The only real problem with running without shoes is that over the past 35 years of NEVER going barefoot anywhere (I even wore socks in my dress shoes) my feet have become, shall we say, sensitive. Blades of grass are enough to slice through the tender skin of my tootsies. So the first few times I gently trod around the block avoiding bits of rock and glass.
I quickly realized that this type of running was pain free! One evening after about a month of barefoot running, I didn't feel like working on toughening my feet that particular night. So, I grabbed my old tennis shoes and headed out the door. After a block my knees hurt so badly, I threw off the shoes and resumed pain free running.
So since my barefoot running experiment was a success, I decided to ask for Vibram Fivefingers for my birthday. Today, I got to pick them out. They have several types of Fivefingers so I got a black pair. That is all I can remember about them;-) This should help me run with more confidence and less pain.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Adventure Race
My first Race!!!
Dear hubby and I entered our very first race. It was the Jailbreak (www.runthejailbreak.com), run for a charity called Sower of Seeds. SOS drills clean water wells in India.
The trail was 3.8 miles chock full of crazy fun obstacles. Dear Hubby (DH) and I arrived early. We parked at the Texas Motor Speedway and took the "prison bus" (aka Northwest ISD school bus on loan) to the Jailbreak course at Adventure Park DFW.
We were sporting our very cool bright prison orange t-shirts that we got in our race packets. That was very cool, the picking up of the race packets the night before the race. Packet distribtion occurred at a very fancy Marriot hotel. This being our first adventure of this magnitude, we were scoping out the competition as it were. We realized that we were not going to be the fattest or slowest runners in the race and felt a little better about ourselves. Our self-confidence rising, we waited our turn in line. As we approached the table to pick up our packets, the elderly lady behind the counter looked us up and down, raised her eyebrows and asked dubiously, "Are you here to pick up a race packet?" Our rising self-esteem started to ebb quickly. We assured her that we were here for the race, and tried to act as if we knew what we were doing.
We picked up our race numbers and t-shirts and headed off. Our anticipation was growing again. We had race numbers! We were running in a race.
The bus dropped us off and we explored the public area of the race. The stage was ready for a band, Monster representatives were handing out free samples, which we passed on. The bbq stand was smoking...
The starting area was fenced off and the runners were sent off through a large gateway covered in lights. The runners were sent off in waves every 30 minutes after a quick warm-up.
We scoped out the finish line and wandered around for about an hour before our wave. I looked around and saw that most people were wearing shorts. We were decked out in our BDU pants. I kept asking DH if we looked out of place. He didn't seem to care about that. I think he was worried about the snakes and various other Texas swamp critters we were bound to encounter in the wilderness. (I have to interrupt this story to give my readers some background on DH. He was born and raised in the CITY. I think the most exposure he had to any type of nature was limited to the various city parks he frequented as a child/juvenile delinquent. The first time he visited our farm after we started dating, we took a walk in the woods and he walked through the grass with his hands held over his head, keeping his fingers safe from harm. And when we moved to Texas, the entire drive down here he envisioned the ground writhing with snakes.) That being said, I was pretty impressed that he only required that we wear the BDU's, and not chain mail, bear bells and snake repellent. I was also impressed that he seemed so calm and together.
We clumped up with the other racers as our wave approached. We certainly didn't want to be first out the gate and run the risk of being trampled by the competitive people. We were also feeling brave and confident again and wanted to break away from our natural state of non-joiners, so we clumped ourselves right in the middle of the group. Those of you who know us well are probably shaking your heads thinking, "YEah right, here comes the fiction." No we really didn't go last.
Our wave didn't get the traditional warm-up. The race director stood on the trialer that doubled as a stage for the warm-up boot camp people and quieted us. He told us that they had their first serious injury of the weekend and that it happened on the water slide. When we got to the water slide, we were to lay flat, feet up and be sure not to try to slow down or stop ourselves. Then "ready, set go" or was it "1, 2, 3, Go?"
Either way, we were off and the off-duty sheriff's deputy started blaring his siren as we herded off to our "jailbreak." DH and I took off through the gate and immediatley down a very steep hill, surprised that we didn't tumble down like Jack and Jill. Avoiding breaking our crowns was high on our list of race priorities. Up and hill and over some jumps and junk and stuff. Then through the first watery muddy obstacle. I immediately slipped and tumbled face first into the mud. Laughing and sprawling around, I managed to get up and run, thick mud drying on my hands.
We ran and ran and ran through some tunnels, more mud and a some railraod cars with some crazy man shooting paintballs at us. We came upon our first major water obstacle. We had to ford a dirty lake. Ewwwww. In we charged, grinning from ear to ear. DH had his hands above his head, but this was to protect his cell phone, which he had along in a plastic baggie.
After each of the water obstacles, there was a long stretch of very slippery mud. This slowed us down a great deal. We tried quick stepping and slow stepping and even mud skating, but it didn't matter, it was slow going.
We forded another big swampy area, and ran, according to my calculations about 100 miles, through the woods. We had to run through another paintball shooting obstacle with some girl dressed in a creepy outfit making strange sounds (not sure how that fit into the whole jailbreak theme, but whatever) and some guy yelling, "Get back into your cells." That was fun. We finally came upon our first water station and the volunteer shouted, "Great job guys, 1 mile down."
After running a lot more (realizing after the first water station, that my calculations were a bit off, I just tried not to think about how far we were running at that point) we finally came upon the water slide. I had been thinking about it for awhile. I was trying to act cool and we chatted with some fellow racers in the line leading to the water slide. Meanwhile in the back of my mind, I was recalling all of the clumsiest moments of my life, worrying about the serious injuries that awaited me on the dreaded slide. I kept telling myself, "Just relax, don't try to stop yourself. It can't be that dangerous. It's already Sunday and probably 10,000 people have run so far and only one person has been injured." Just as I was starting to feel confident again, someone came rushing up from behind pushing us out of the way shouting, "Move aside, EMS." I looked at the bottom of the slide and some girl was holding her arm crying.
Oh boy. I was about to shove DH out in front of me to test the slide, when a girl behind me handed me her camera and asked if I would take her picture when she was going down the slide. Since I am very uncoordinated, I decided to go in front of DH so while he was sliding down, I could try to stand up and get my balance so I could take the girl's picture.
I stood at the top of the slide waiting my turn. The slide was made of plastic garbage bags lined up down a pretty steep hill. It kind of looked like something my brother and I would have rigged up for fun as kids. I sat down and pushed myself off, hoping now that I wouldn't get stuck in the middle like fat people tend to do on water rides. Whoosh. Just like that I flopped down the hill and managed to keep my feet in the air and plopped in the water unharmed and smiling like a goon. I snapped the picture, handed off the camera and we were off traipsing down the river about 100 yards.
Well, what goes down the steep embankment must go up again. At least that's how it goes in crazy adventure races. We had to climb the same embankment we just water slided down again. This time the embankment was covered with tires tied together like they had in the parks we frequented as children. That was fun. I climbed up grinning the whole time. (that is a animation of me climbing the tires!)
Dear hubby and I entered our very first race. It was the Jailbreak (www.runthejailbreak.com), run for a charity called Sower of Seeds. SOS drills clean water wells in India.
The trail was 3.8 miles chock full of crazy fun obstacles. Dear Hubby (DH) and I arrived early. We parked at the Texas Motor Speedway and took the "prison bus" (aka Northwest ISD school bus on loan) to the Jailbreak course at Adventure Park DFW.
We were sporting our very cool bright prison orange t-shirts that we got in our race packets. That was very cool, the picking up of the race packets the night before the race. Packet distribtion occurred at a very fancy Marriot hotel. This being our first adventure of this magnitude, we were scoping out the competition as it were. We realized that we were not going to be the fattest or slowest runners in the race and felt a little better about ourselves. Our self-confidence rising, we waited our turn in line. As we approached the table to pick up our packets, the elderly lady behind the counter looked us up and down, raised her eyebrows and asked dubiously, "Are you here to pick up a race packet?" Our rising self-esteem started to ebb quickly. We assured her that we were here for the race, and tried to act as if we knew what we were doing.
We picked up our race numbers and t-shirts and headed off. Our anticipation was growing again. We had race numbers! We were running in a race.
The bus dropped us off and we explored the public area of the race. The stage was ready for a band, Monster representatives were handing out free samples, which we passed on. The bbq stand was smoking...
The starting area was fenced off and the runners were sent off through a large gateway covered in lights. The runners were sent off in waves every 30 minutes after a quick warm-up.
We scoped out the finish line and wandered around for about an hour before our wave. I looked around and saw that most people were wearing shorts. We were decked out in our BDU pants. I kept asking DH if we looked out of place. He didn't seem to care about that. I think he was worried about the snakes and various other Texas swamp critters we were bound to encounter in the wilderness. (I have to interrupt this story to give my readers some background on DH. He was born and raised in the CITY. I think the most exposure he had to any type of nature was limited to the various city parks he frequented as a child/juvenile delinquent. The first time he visited our farm after we started dating, we took a walk in the woods and he walked through the grass with his hands held over his head, keeping his fingers safe from harm. And when we moved to Texas, the entire drive down here he envisioned the ground writhing with snakes.) That being said, I was pretty impressed that he only required that we wear the BDU's, and not chain mail, bear bells and snake repellent. I was also impressed that he seemed so calm and together.
We clumped up with the other racers as our wave approached. We certainly didn't want to be first out the gate and run the risk of being trampled by the competitive people. We were also feeling brave and confident again and wanted to break away from our natural state of non-joiners, so we clumped ourselves right in the middle of the group. Those of you who know us well are probably shaking your heads thinking, "YEah right, here comes the fiction." No we really didn't go last.
Our wave didn't get the traditional warm-up. The race director stood on the trialer that doubled as a stage for the warm-up boot camp people and quieted us. He told us that they had their first serious injury of the weekend and that it happened on the water slide. When we got to the water slide, we were to lay flat, feet up and be sure not to try to slow down or stop ourselves. Then "ready, set go" or was it "1, 2, 3, Go?"
Either way, we were off and the off-duty sheriff's deputy started blaring his siren as we herded off to our "jailbreak." DH and I took off through the gate and immediatley down a very steep hill, surprised that we didn't tumble down like Jack and Jill. Avoiding breaking our crowns was high on our list of race priorities. Up and hill and over some jumps and junk and stuff. Then through the first watery muddy obstacle. I immediately slipped and tumbled face first into the mud. Laughing and sprawling around, I managed to get up and run, thick mud drying on my hands.
We ran and ran and ran through some tunnels, more mud and a some railraod cars with some crazy man shooting paintballs at us. We came upon our first major water obstacle. We had to ford a dirty lake. Ewwwww. In we charged, grinning from ear to ear. DH had his hands above his head, but this was to protect his cell phone, which he had along in a plastic baggie.
After each of the water obstacles, there was a long stretch of very slippery mud. This slowed us down a great deal. We tried quick stepping and slow stepping and even mud skating, but it didn't matter, it was slow going.
We forded another big swampy area, and ran, according to my calculations about 100 miles, through the woods. We had to run through another paintball shooting obstacle with some girl dressed in a creepy outfit making strange sounds (not sure how that fit into the whole jailbreak theme, but whatever) and some guy yelling, "Get back into your cells." That was fun. We finally came upon our first water station and the volunteer shouted, "Great job guys, 1 mile down."
After running a lot more (realizing after the first water station, that my calculations were a bit off, I just tried not to think about how far we were running at that point) we finally came upon the water slide. I had been thinking about it for awhile. I was trying to act cool and we chatted with some fellow racers in the line leading to the water slide. Meanwhile in the back of my mind, I was recalling all of the clumsiest moments of my life, worrying about the serious injuries that awaited me on the dreaded slide. I kept telling myself, "Just relax, don't try to stop yourself. It can't be that dangerous. It's already Sunday and probably 10,000 people have run so far and only one person has been injured." Just as I was starting to feel confident again, someone came rushing up from behind pushing us out of the way shouting, "Move aside, EMS." I looked at the bottom of the slide and some girl was holding her arm crying.
Oh boy. I was about to shove DH out in front of me to test the slide, when a girl behind me handed me her camera and asked if I would take her picture when she was going down the slide. Since I am very uncoordinated, I decided to go in front of DH so while he was sliding down, I could try to stand up and get my balance so I could take the girl's picture.
I stood at the top of the slide waiting my turn. The slide was made of plastic garbage bags lined up down a pretty steep hill. It kind of looked like something my brother and I would have rigged up for fun as kids. I sat down and pushed myself off, hoping now that I wouldn't get stuck in the middle like fat people tend to do on water rides. Whoosh. Just like that I flopped down the hill and managed to keep my feet in the air and plopped in the water unharmed and smiling like a goon. I snapped the picture, handed off the camera and we were off traipsing down the river about 100 yards.
Well, what goes down the steep embankment must go up again. At least that's how it goes in crazy adventure races. We had to climb the same embankment we just water slided down again. This time the embankment was covered with tires tied together like they had in the parks we frequented as children. That was fun. I climbed up grinning the whole time. (that is a animation of me climbing the tires!)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Remembering 9/11
Today I had a class to go to for work. I left the house early and is typical the Saturday morning roads were mostly empty. I drove by a car dealership with those huge American flags blowing in the wind at half mast.
Nine years ago at about the same time I was drivng by those flags, our lives were forever changed. I will never forget where I was when I first heard the news. I was teaching a class of 4th graders. One of my students came in from speech class and shouted out something about towers and planes. Apparently they were watching it in class. I walked to the office and saw it for the first time- smoke pouring out of those two towers. As I was returning to my classroom, fighter jets that had been scrambled at a nearby base rushed by close overhead.
I called my husband and told him to turn on the TV. That was the beginning of a long few months of constant news coverage and depressing reports and heartbreaking stories. I think most Americans shed more than a few tears over the next few months.
At the time I was a volunteer first responder EMT in our rural county. My husband was a police officer and we have many friends and family in emergency services. Those were dark days for all of us. It was hard to continue on without being depressed or obsessed.
Eventually, the pain subsided and eventually we all went on with our normal lives. Now, nine years later, I wonder how to best honor that day and those heroes who gave all so that others could live. Not only that day, but the many days and many years since. We are still dealing with the after effects of that tragedy. Americans are still out there fending off forces that fight against us. How would they want to be remembered? What is the most respectful way to honor their lives and sacrifice?
I thought about it for awhile and this is how I choose to honor those days and those people:
I will remember. I will fly a flag. I will pause in reflection. I will bless their lives. I will live my life. I will laugh with my children. I will tell those that I teach who are too young to remember how it felt that day when we were under attack. I will hold them while they cry as they experience that defining day in their lives. I will stand up for what is right. I will appreciate every day and every breath. I will live to honor those whose died to protect my life.
Nine years ago at about the same time I was drivng by those flags, our lives were forever changed. I will never forget where I was when I first heard the news. I was teaching a class of 4th graders. One of my students came in from speech class and shouted out something about towers and planes. Apparently they were watching it in class. I walked to the office and saw it for the first time- smoke pouring out of those two towers. As I was returning to my classroom, fighter jets that had been scrambled at a nearby base rushed by close overhead.
I called my husband and told him to turn on the TV. That was the beginning of a long few months of constant news coverage and depressing reports and heartbreaking stories. I think most Americans shed more than a few tears over the next few months.
At the time I was a volunteer first responder EMT in our rural county. My husband was a police officer and we have many friends and family in emergency services. Those were dark days for all of us. It was hard to continue on without being depressed or obsessed.
Eventually, the pain subsided and eventually we all went on with our normal lives. Now, nine years later, I wonder how to best honor that day and those heroes who gave all so that others could live. Not only that day, but the many days and many years since. We are still dealing with the after effects of that tragedy. Americans are still out there fending off forces that fight against us. How would they want to be remembered? What is the most respectful way to honor their lives and sacrifice?
I thought about it for awhile and this is how I choose to honor those days and those people:
I will remember. I will fly a flag. I will pause in reflection. I will bless their lives. I will live my life. I will laugh with my children. I will tell those that I teach who are too young to remember how it felt that day when we were under attack. I will hold them while they cry as they experience that defining day in their lives. I will stand up for what is right. I will appreciate every day and every breath. I will live to honor those whose died to protect my life.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Rehab setbacks
Ugh...did I tell you that injuries suck? I guess I have. Well, a massage, three trips to the chiropractor and several acupuncture visits have not made a huge impact on my situation. I started to make some really good progress, then I woke up one morning back at square one.
My first adventure race is in two weeks and I am terrified. I am pretty sure I will attempt it no matter my condition and that is what is really frightening.
A friend of mine wants me to do an extreme adventure race next month. I told her "We will see." I think I am a lunatic. I can barely get out of bed, can't bend over to pick anything off the ground, have to lower myself into a sitting position using upper arm strength, and then do strange contortions to get back up again trying to find the least painful movement.
My first adventure race is in two weeks and I am terrified. I am pretty sure I will attempt it no matter my condition and that is what is really frightening.
A friend of mine wants me to do an extreme adventure race next month. I told her "We will see." I think I am a lunatic. I can barely get out of bed, can't bend over to pick anything off the ground, have to lower myself into a sitting position using upper arm strength, and then do strange contortions to get back up again trying to find the least painful movement.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Recovering from Injuries
I really am opposed to whining. But every now and then we must all indulge from time to time. I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago and it has been driving me crazy. I can't bend over and sitting down to pee is an act of torture. If I was a captured spy and the evil minions made me pee in this condition, I would have talked.
I had been pushing myself really hard lately and driving forward on the fitness thing like a maniac. I was tired, my body was tired and then it happened. The first workout went something like this: CrossFit Hero Workout "Adam Brown" 2 rounds for time (for those of you who don't CrossFit and have not been following my blog of very informative content- for time means "do it as fast as you can").
115# deadlift x24 reps
box jump x 24 reps
wall ball 20# x 24 reps (10 feet high)
70 # bench press x 24 reps
box jumps again x 24 reps
wall ball again 20# x 24 reps
70# clean x 24 reps
(yes, then you do it again and look at your watch to see how amazing or un-amazing you are)
I did all of this in 41:33 minutes. I am not that amazing...yet
Well, then the next workout the next day consisted of 3 rounds for time:
70# ground to overhead x 10
200 m shuffle sprint (50m down and back x 2)
I don't know how long all of this took, since I didn't write it down. I think I was in too much pain to remember what was going on. It probably took me a very long time. I remember thinking, "Wow my back is really hurting...I should probably stop now." And then I didn't stop. I am somehow obsessed with finishing the job.
So then I went to bed and woke up the next morning with so much pain, that I cried when I sat down to pee, wishing I didn't have to sit down and pee. And I remember I think I had penis envy for the first time in my life.
Rehabbing has been excrutiatingly slow. It seemed for awhile that my back would never heal. However, I have learned some things in all this pain and agony.
1) I should probably be much softer with myself and rest more frequently.
2) I didn't gain any weight while on a 2-3 week break. In fact I lost a few pounds while I ate poorly. I guess my metablism is getting better.
3) My legs and thighs and hips are so tight and inflexible. I need to really focus on the basics before I go on to adding so much weight again. So now I torture myself each night rolling my IT bands on a hard foam roller on the ground while the dogs lick my face and roll around on the floor believing with all of their hearts that I am on the floor with every intention of playing with them.
So I am back to square one. Goal number 1: Do a proper squat....hmmmm more on that later.
I finally decided to go see my chiropractor about the back injury. Well, he listened to what has been going on in my life lately (AKA lots and lots of stress) and laughed. I asked why he was laughing and he asked me if I really thought this was structural or stress induced....
So he did something called NET (neuro emotional technique) and we cleared up some strong emotional issues related to stress in my life. He adjusted my femur with his little thumper thingy and sent me on the way. My healing started to progress rapidly and now I am almost back to where I started. Ah, you thought I was going to say I was almost back to normal. Well, no. I would never claim to be normal...
I had been pushing myself really hard lately and driving forward on the fitness thing like a maniac. I was tired, my body was tired and then it happened. The first workout went something like this: CrossFit Hero Workout "Adam Brown" 2 rounds for time (for those of you who don't CrossFit and have not been following my blog of very informative content- for time means "do it as fast as you can").
115# deadlift x24 reps
box jump x 24 reps
wall ball 20# x 24 reps (10 feet high)
70 # bench press x 24 reps
box jumps again x 24 reps
wall ball again 20# x 24 reps
70# clean x 24 reps
(yes, then you do it again and look at your watch to see how amazing or un-amazing you are)
I did all of this in 41:33 minutes. I am not that amazing...yet
Well, then the next workout the next day consisted of 3 rounds for time:
70# ground to overhead x 10
200 m shuffle sprint (50m down and back x 2)
I don't know how long all of this took, since I didn't write it down. I think I was in too much pain to remember what was going on. It probably took me a very long time. I remember thinking, "Wow my back is really hurting...I should probably stop now." And then I didn't stop. I am somehow obsessed with finishing the job.
So then I went to bed and woke up the next morning with so much pain, that I cried when I sat down to pee, wishing I didn't have to sit down and pee. And I remember I think I had penis envy for the first time in my life.
Rehabbing has been excrutiatingly slow. It seemed for awhile that my back would never heal. However, I have learned some things in all this pain and agony.
1) I should probably be much softer with myself and rest more frequently.
2) I didn't gain any weight while on a 2-3 week break. In fact I lost a few pounds while I ate poorly. I guess my metablism is getting better.
3) My legs and thighs and hips are so tight and inflexible. I need to really focus on the basics before I go on to adding so much weight again. So now I torture myself each night rolling my IT bands on a hard foam roller on the ground while the dogs lick my face and roll around on the floor believing with all of their hearts that I am on the floor with every intention of playing with them.
So I am back to square one. Goal number 1: Do a proper squat....hmmmm more on that later.
I finally decided to go see my chiropractor about the back injury. Well, he listened to what has been going on in my life lately (AKA lots and lots of stress) and laughed. I asked why he was laughing and he asked me if I really thought this was structural or stress induced....
So he did something called NET (neuro emotional technique) and we cleared up some strong emotional issues related to stress in my life. He adjusted my femur with his little thumper thingy and sent me on the way. My healing started to progress rapidly and now I am almost back to where I started. Ah, you thought I was going to say I was almost back to normal. Well, no. I would never claim to be normal...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Let's Talk Food!
I love food. I find comfort in food. I grew up finding comfort in food. Sugary chocolaty food is the biggest draw. For years the one constant in my mind was food. It always surprised me to find that many people don't think about food all of the time. Not me. If I am honest with myself, I would have to admit it was an obsession or addiction as it were. As soon as I was done eating, I was thinking or worrying about my next meal or snack.
At the lowest point in my health, I was using Dr. Peppers to keep me awake and sugar to keep me motivated to finish the day. I had no energy and my health was deteriorating rapidly. I was never officially diagnosed with it, but my natualpathic doctor told me if I went to see a regular Doctor I would probably be diagnosed with MS and fibromyalgia. That still didn't change my habits. I was borderline diabetic. I could feel that. Everytime I ate anything, I would have high blood sugar responses: drowsiness, lethargy, moodiness, etc. That didn't change my habits. Knowing I was killing myself with my own terrible habits didn't change my life.
I tried dieting on and off for short two or three week spurts. I just wasn't motivated. I didn't want to force myself to be uncomfortable. I just kept telling myself that I didn't care if I was fat or not. I really had convinced myself of that. Really.
My kids are very athletic ( they are adopted so we don't share the same genes :-) lucky for them) and dear hubby and I couldn't keep up with them. They were always asking us to go to the park or take a walk and neither one of us wanted to or had the energy to do anything about it.
Well, as it goes, we both got the fitness bug around the same time and we joined the local 24 Hour Fitness. Oh, I remember why. They have a pool and our kids would rather swim than go to the local waterpark, so we joined for the summer so they could swim. I went sporadically the first week. I have been in shape before so I knew what it took and I hit the weights and the elliptical machine with semi-dedicated effort. I took advantage of a free personal training session that the gym offered and weighed in. Dismal.
I still hadn't committed to the diet part. Sugar is very addicting to me and once I take a sip of the Dr. Pepper, I am hooked. So, even on cheat days, I can't drink that stuff. Cause for the next week or two that is all I can think about. I wonder what they really put in that drink?
So, to motivate me, I challenged my hubby, my mom, my aunt and my uncle to a Family Style Biggest Loser Competition. They all joined the gym and so it went for a couple of weeks. Then at a family dinner, I mentioned this to my brother and he told me he would help me win. He is a Dallas SWAT officer and in top condition. But he wasn't always that way. I had seen his body transformation and knew he knew what he was talking about. I took him up on his offer.
Well, everyone else wanted in too, so we have family CrosFit on Sundays led by our Coach, my brother. After our workout, we discuss nutrition and healthy eacting. And now I am motivated. I eat following the Paleo Diet and the zone diet.
My health is better, my cravings are held to a manageable minimum. I will confess, I still have those outrageous urges to eat some chocolatey sugary dessert of some sort. Usually it happens when I am bored or stressed or tired. So, sometimes I cheat. But since I have been working out like a mad women, I can afford it. I don't beat myself up. I try to eat more healthy food than non-healthy food. I read in "Paleo for Athletes" that you should try for 95% clean diet.
Here are 3 easy tips for staying on the program:
- Avoid getting too hungry. Keep protein bars, nuts or veggies on hand at all times.
- Set up a cheat day. Once a week, eat whatever you want and then get back on the program.
- Exercise off more than you eat.
At the lowest point in my health, I was using Dr. Peppers to keep me awake and sugar to keep me motivated to finish the day. I had no energy and my health was deteriorating rapidly. I was never officially diagnosed with it, but my natualpathic doctor told me if I went to see a regular Doctor I would probably be diagnosed with MS and fibromyalgia. That still didn't change my habits. I was borderline diabetic. I could feel that. Everytime I ate anything, I would have high blood sugar responses: drowsiness, lethargy, moodiness, etc. That didn't change my habits. Knowing I was killing myself with my own terrible habits didn't change my life.
I tried dieting on and off for short two or three week spurts. I just wasn't motivated. I didn't want to force myself to be uncomfortable. I just kept telling myself that I didn't care if I was fat or not. I really had convinced myself of that. Really.
My kids are very athletic ( they are adopted so we don't share the same genes :-) lucky for them) and dear hubby and I couldn't keep up with them. They were always asking us to go to the park or take a walk and neither one of us wanted to or had the energy to do anything about it.
Well, as it goes, we both got the fitness bug around the same time and we joined the local 24 Hour Fitness. Oh, I remember why. They have a pool and our kids would rather swim than go to the local waterpark, so we joined for the summer so they could swim. I went sporadically the first week. I have been in shape before so I knew what it took and I hit the weights and the elliptical machine with semi-dedicated effort. I took advantage of a free personal training session that the gym offered and weighed in. Dismal.
I still hadn't committed to the diet part. Sugar is very addicting to me and once I take a sip of the Dr. Pepper, I am hooked. So, even on cheat days, I can't drink that stuff. Cause for the next week or two that is all I can think about. I wonder what they really put in that drink?
So, to motivate me, I challenged my hubby, my mom, my aunt and my uncle to a Family Style Biggest Loser Competition. They all joined the gym and so it went for a couple of weeks. Then at a family dinner, I mentioned this to my brother and he told me he would help me win. He is a Dallas SWAT officer and in top condition. But he wasn't always that way. I had seen his body transformation and knew he knew what he was talking about. I took him up on his offer.
Well, everyone else wanted in too, so we have family CrosFit on Sundays led by our Coach, my brother. After our workout, we discuss nutrition and healthy eacting. And now I am motivated. I eat following the Paleo Diet and the zone diet.
My health is better, my cravings are held to a manageable minimum. I will confess, I still have those outrageous urges to eat some chocolatey sugary dessert of some sort. Usually it happens when I am bored or stressed or tired. So, sometimes I cheat. But since I have been working out like a mad women, I can afford it. I don't beat myself up. I try to eat more healthy food than non-healthy food. I read in "Paleo for Athletes" that you should try for 95% clean diet.
Here are 3 easy tips for staying on the program:
- Avoid getting too hungry. Keep protein bars, nuts or veggies on hand at all times.
- Set up a cheat day. Once a week, eat whatever you want and then get back on the program.
- Exercise off more than you eat.
Monday, August 2, 2010
My First Great Bike Adventure
It is back to school for me! Well, at least back to teacher stuff. I have a Math training for three days in a city nearby, 10.3 miles to be exact. So, Sunday night I was getting directions from Google maps and noticed a new feature. There is a button above the directions that you can click to get a bike route! Way cool. I clicked the button and had an idea. I was going to ride my bike to the training location!
I know the whole point of riding bikes is not only to get in shape, but to go green too. In slight opposition to the green thing, dear hubby and I drove the route right away to make sure it was truly a safe bike route. I packed my clothes, some deodorant, a hairbrush and some pens (for the training). I also packed a lot of food, cause I knew I would be hungry.
Laying in bed Sunday night, I was very nervous. Weird huh? But this trip would take me outside my comfort zone and my quiet little neighborhood. Since I have been riding my bike, I have ridden over 10 miles at a time. I just completed it in my neighborhood - riding all around the parks in the neighborhood. For me this was a big deal. I was feeling very exposed. I never realized how safe and comfortable I feel in my car. I was really nervous about riding my bike alone so far in a strange neighborhood, technically through 3 cities.
I was up and at 'em early. I checked my brakes, got my water, started the tunes and headed out. Dear Hubby rode with me to the first major intersection and watched me safely cross like a nervous mother hen. Then I was on my own.
The ride was beautiful and peaceful. I left myself extra time so I could change when I got to the training center. I was really tired and it took about 4 miles of riding to get warmed up and energized. I played it safe and crossed at the crosswalks and spent time on the sidewalks. At one point, my back breaks had some sort of malfunction, and stopped working altogether. Fortunately, my front brakes were working fine- disaster averted.
I arrived at my destination, made like superwoman and changed in the bathroom. Total ride 10.3 miles. Total calories burned: 1200.
All said and done, I am very proud of myself and of what I accomplished. I was brave. I had an adventure! And I am doing it again tomorrow!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Running can be spiritual?
I start out by telling you, I am not fond of running. Ha ha ha right? I have to run to be in a triathlon. Well, the joke's on me cause I really don't like to run. My daughter is 12 and training for a marathon of her own valition. She loves to run and is running a half marathon in October. She says that it gets easier and more fun, the more you do it. Of this I am very doubtful.
The longest I have ever run in my life was about 3 miles and that was the day before yesterday because a 5K was the CrossFit workout of the day (WOD). Turns out due to some pedometer calibration problems we only ran about 3 miles. I ran the whole thing. Ugh.
Today we went to Jailbreak training (it is training to prepare for the Jailbreak Adventure Race in September www.runthejailbreak.com). I decided to join the bootcamp group mostly because I have been doing CrossFit for about 8 weeks now and it has affected my brain. Dear hubby and Daughter ran with the intermediate group. After 30 minutes of ridiculous (by that I mean super hard) calisthenics, we ran about 2 miles. Oh, and it wasn't just regular running. No that would be too easy. We did Indian Sprints. For those of you unfamiliar with exercise torture, Indian sprints work like this: the person at the back of the line (me) sprints to the front of the line. Then the next person at the back of the line sprints to the front of the line. Then you do that the whole way.
I was able to do it once, then I almost died. On the way back, a few of us were straggling behind barely alive and the instructor encouraged the rest of the group of in shape people to run back and help encourage us so we could finish together. I was plodding along and then a guy in his 20's in pretty good shape wearing a cut-off black t-shirt with a guitar on it fell in along side me. He didn't look at me or even say a word. He just matched my pace and then we were running in step. Our feet hit the pavement at exactly the same time, beating out a powerful rhythm. I felt energized and pushed it a little faster and he kept step with me for about 1/4 mile. He didn't ever say anything. He didn't need to. What happened was to amazing and completely spiritual event between two people. A stranger, came along side me and kept step with me during the hardest part of my run and with that honest simple support, I was renewed and encouraged. When we reached the end of the run, he dropped away and we never spoke. I wanted to thank him, but felt that somehow speaking would have ruined it. It was a simple thing he did, but it changed my whole day.
In that small silent action, the power of empathy and encouragement was transmitted in such an intense way. I am struggling to find the right words to explain the moment. But somehow, I felt connected not just to a stranger but to everyone and everything. You are probably thinking I am nuts. Maybe the running and CrossFit have finally caused permanent damage. But somehow there was perfection in that moment of human compassion and I saw God.
So I guess running can be more than physical torture. It can be spiritual too.
The longest I have ever run in my life was about 3 miles and that was the day before yesterday because a 5K was the CrossFit workout of the day (WOD). Turns out due to some pedometer calibration problems we only ran about 3 miles. I ran the whole thing. Ugh.
Today we went to Jailbreak training (it is training to prepare for the Jailbreak Adventure Race in September www.runthejailbreak.com). I decided to join the bootcamp group mostly because I have been doing CrossFit for about 8 weeks now and it has affected my brain. Dear hubby and Daughter ran with the intermediate group. After 30 minutes of ridiculous (by that I mean super hard) calisthenics, we ran about 2 miles. Oh, and it wasn't just regular running. No that would be too easy. We did Indian Sprints. For those of you unfamiliar with exercise torture, Indian sprints work like this: the person at the back of the line (me) sprints to the front of the line. Then the next person at the back of the line sprints to the front of the line. Then you do that the whole way.
I was able to do it once, then I almost died. On the way back, a few of us were straggling behind barely alive and the instructor encouraged the rest of the group of in shape people to run back and help encourage us so we could finish together. I was plodding along and then a guy in his 20's in pretty good shape wearing a cut-off black t-shirt with a guitar on it fell in along side me. He didn't look at me or even say a word. He just matched my pace and then we were running in step. Our feet hit the pavement at exactly the same time, beating out a powerful rhythm. I felt energized and pushed it a little faster and he kept step with me for about 1/4 mile. He didn't ever say anything. He didn't need to. What happened was to amazing and completely spiritual event between two people. A stranger, came along side me and kept step with me during the hardest part of my run and with that honest simple support, I was renewed and encouraged. When we reached the end of the run, he dropped away and we never spoke. I wanted to thank him, but felt that somehow speaking would have ruined it. It was a simple thing he did, but it changed my whole day.
In that small silent action, the power of empathy and encouragement was transmitted in such an intense way. I am struggling to find the right words to explain the moment. But somehow, I felt connected not just to a stranger but to everyone and everything. You are probably thinking I am nuts. Maybe the running and CrossFit have finally caused permanent damage. But somehow there was perfection in that moment of human compassion and I saw God.
So I guess running can be more than physical torture. It can be spiritual too.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Small Victories- Shopping! No more plus sizes
The last time I shopped out of plus sizes was about 7 years ago. Today after 3 months of diet and exercise, I am out of the plus sizes. The last time I went shopping I was in a 3X. I am not sporting L and XLs depending on the brand and in a size 16!
I am so psyched. This will tell you a lot about my personality. My favorite store is Old Navy. I have often fantasized about having an entire wardrobe from Old Navy. So, today I went and bought a bunch of clothes there. I haven't been able to shop there in forever.
I had the best time today. I went out alone. By my self. A-L-O-N-E! I am going back to work ( I am a teacher) in a week or so and I am growing or shrinking rather out of all my old clothes. I gathered up a huge pile of 3x and 2x clothes to donate this evening.
One thing that I was excited about other than work clothes. (I am a little worried I won't be dressed up enough- Old Navy and all....but I don't care too much. I had so much fun) I bought work out clothes. I have NEVER and I mean NEVER bought outfits to work out in before this year. I just grabbed some old shorts and a t-shirt and went for it. I still think that is a fine way to go, but I am in a different place now. I am thinking differently about this lifestyle change. I am taking this seriously and the workout attire is a big step for me. For me, it means I am carving out a space for this lifestyle. I am taking it seriously and I am embracing it fully.
I am a minimalist at heart and everyone who has seen my wardrobe knows this about me. I don't need much and I don't dress to impress. I don't have a need for tons of stuff. We routinely go through and purge our house of junk and extras and things we don't need (more about that later). So making a purchase of workout attire is a very big thing.
My other favorite place to shop is Academy and get this...I found dress shoes at Academy. I was in a ton of stores looking with fear and trepidation for dress shoes. I have big feet. Size 10.5 wide, which never happens, so 11 in real life. They don't make cute dress shoes for size 11 feet. So when I find a pair that work, I wear them until they fall apart. I also dread the breaking in of new shoes. Yuk.
Anyway, I had to stop at Academy for work out shoes. The soles are falling off my old ones. To my surprise they have dress shoes there. I found the most adorable pair of shoes. They are brown cowboy boot front and open back and since I don't wear socks much anymore, they are perfect and ADOREABLE. I will post a pic to prove it, because I know you fashion divas have imagined my frumpiness from my writing and don't believe I even know what cute is. I promise these are cute. Now that I am not in plus sizes anymore, maybe my fashion diva will develop! They just don't make cute fat clothes. The best part of all- they were only $16! And they are comfortable and soft inside. I love them. I also found a pair of not so cute but functional slip on boot looking things for $6. For tramping around in the woods. I miss the woods.
So now my two favorite stores are Old Navy and Academy. All of that to say this: I am not where I want to be, but I am not where I was. I am getting better and I am celebrating the small victories!
Go out and win!
I am so psyched. This will tell you a lot about my personality. My favorite store is Old Navy. I have often fantasized about having an entire wardrobe from Old Navy. So, today I went and bought a bunch of clothes there. I haven't been able to shop there in forever.
I had the best time today. I went out alone. By my self. A-L-O-N-E! I am going back to work ( I am a teacher) in a week or so and I am growing or shrinking rather out of all my old clothes. I gathered up a huge pile of 3x and 2x clothes to donate this evening.
One thing that I was excited about other than work clothes. (I am a little worried I won't be dressed up enough- Old Navy and all....but I don't care too much. I had so much fun) I bought work out clothes. I have NEVER and I mean NEVER bought outfits to work out in before this year. I just grabbed some old shorts and a t-shirt and went for it. I still think that is a fine way to go, but I am in a different place now. I am thinking differently about this lifestyle change. I am taking this seriously and the workout attire is a big step for me. For me, it means I am carving out a space for this lifestyle. I am taking it seriously and I am embracing it fully.
I am a minimalist at heart and everyone who has seen my wardrobe knows this about me. I don't need much and I don't dress to impress. I don't have a need for tons of stuff. We routinely go through and purge our house of junk and extras and things we don't need (more about that later). So making a purchase of workout attire is a very big thing.
My other favorite place to shop is Academy and get this...I found dress shoes at Academy. I was in a ton of stores looking with fear and trepidation for dress shoes. I have big feet. Size 10.5 wide, which never happens, so 11 in real life. They don't make cute dress shoes for size 11 feet. So when I find a pair that work, I wear them until they fall apart. I also dread the breaking in of new shoes. Yuk.
Anyway, I had to stop at Academy for work out shoes. The soles are falling off my old ones. To my surprise they have dress shoes there. I found the most adorable pair of shoes. They are brown cowboy boot front and open back and since I don't wear socks much anymore, they are perfect and ADOREABLE. I will post a pic to prove it, because I know you fashion divas have imagined my frumpiness from my writing and don't believe I even know what cute is. I promise these are cute. Now that I am not in plus sizes anymore, maybe my fashion diva will develop! They just don't make cute fat clothes. The best part of all- they were only $16! And they are comfortable and soft inside. I love them. I also found a pair of not so cute but functional slip on boot looking things for $6. For tramping around in the woods. I miss the woods.
So now my two favorite stores are Old Navy and Academy. All of that to say this: I am not where I want to be, but I am not where I was. I am getting better and I am celebrating the small victories!
Go out and win!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Paleo- Zone Diet
In addition to working out, I have changed my diet. I have been diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) in the past. Now I tell you that, so that you understand that sugar and white starches do terrible things to my body- cause a great deal of inflammation, fatigue, muscle and joint pain- to name a few.
I also have some strong personal imperatives about diet and lifestyle:
1) No FAKE sweeteners.
2) No hormones.
3) Lots of fresh and organic food.
4) Avoid processed foods.
5) Avoid dairy.
A diet for me has to meet all of those criteria. You see, minus the wicked sugar cravings and subsequent indulgences, I eat pretty healthy. Eating out is also a weakness for me as well.
Dear hubby and I tried Atkins about 8 years ago with some great success. Since, Atkins didn't allow many good carbs, like veggies and fruits we sort of did an alternative like South Beach. But South Beach encourages lots of fake sweeteners. I was looking for something a little more balanced that fit all of my criteria. After a good deal of research, I fell upon the Zone Diet and the Paleo Diet. The Zone is very balanced 30% Fat & 30% Protein & 40% Carbs (good carbs). The Paleo diet encourages dieters to eat like a cave man- which means that you eat natural foods, no dairy, no processed food, no sugars or flours, no grains, no beans...lots of vegetables and lean meats some fruits...The Zone encourages the balance and portion control and Paleo encourages eating the foods I am inclined to eat anyway. So, I am going with the Zone Paleo combination diet!
Giving up sugar is hard and we incorporate a cheat day once a week. Although, I am now inclined to cheat less because of the way it makes me feel. Some days are really hard even after several weeks of clean eating. Hormones, stress and anxiety make it worse.
However, the improvements in my health since the diet have been great! I no longer suffer from middle of the night acid reflux induced vomiting. I can lay on my stomach without acid problems. My wedding ring fits again! My belly is not hard and distended anymore. Soft and mushy, while not ideal, is better than tender and distended. The acne is gone for the most part- minus the hormone induced bouts once a month and I am hoping that will improve as well over time. I have energy all day long and feel much better. The late night anxiety attacks only occur after a sugar binge on cheat day...
Read about it in the following books:
In addition to working out, I have changed my diet. I have been diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) in the past. Now I tell you that, so that you understand that sugar and white starches do terrible things to my body- cause a great deal of inflammation, fatigue, muscle and joint pain- to name a few.
I also have some strong personal imperatives about diet and lifestyle:
1) No FAKE sweeteners.
2) No hormones.
3) Lots of fresh and organic food.
4) Avoid processed foods.
5) Avoid dairy.
A diet for me has to meet all of those criteria. You see, minus the wicked sugar cravings and subsequent indulgences, I eat pretty healthy. Eating out is also a weakness for me as well.
Dear hubby and I tried Atkins about 8 years ago with some great success. Since, Atkins didn't allow many good carbs, like veggies and fruits we sort of did an alternative like South Beach. But South Beach encourages lots of fake sweeteners. I was looking for something a little more balanced that fit all of my criteria. After a good deal of research, I fell upon the Zone Diet and the Paleo Diet. The Zone is very balanced 30% Fat & 30% Protein & 40% Carbs (good carbs). The Paleo diet encourages dieters to eat like a cave man- which means that you eat natural foods, no dairy, no processed food, no sugars or flours, no grains, no beans...lots of vegetables and lean meats some fruits...The Zone encourages the balance and portion control and Paleo encourages eating the foods I am inclined to eat anyway. So, I am going with the Zone Paleo combination diet!
Giving up sugar is hard and we incorporate a cheat day once a week. Although, I am now inclined to cheat less because of the way it makes me feel. Some days are really hard even after several weeks of clean eating. Hormones, stress and anxiety make it worse.
However, the improvements in my health since the diet have been great! I no longer suffer from middle of the night acid reflux induced vomiting. I can lay on my stomach without acid problems. My wedding ring fits again! My belly is not hard and distended anymore. Soft and mushy, while not ideal, is better than tender and distended. The acne is gone for the most part- minus the hormone induced bouts once a month and I am hoping that will improve as well over time. I have energy all day long and feel much better. The late night anxiety attacks only occur after a sugar binge on cheat day...
Read about it in the following books:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
This journey started in April 18, 2010. After a month or so at the gym, I found CrossFit through my brother a Dallas SWAT trainer. CrossFit is basically High Intensity Interval Training on Steroids! I can burn about 1,000 calories an hour doing CrossFit, and rarely have to workout for that long. Some workouts are only a few minutes! One thing that is big is CF world is muscle memory. Our bodies are incredibly amazing efficient machines and some people believe that doing the same work out for more than a couple of days builds muscle memory and becomes too efficient to burn calories and build muscles. To maintain an effective workout, CrossFit changes up the workout everyday and it is FREE! New workouts are posted everyday, with video demonstrations of the exercises.
Check it out: www.crossfit.com
Check it out: www.crossfit.com
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I can Swim!
I can now swim a couple of laps without drowning or swallowing the entire pool! A long way from 400meters I know, but it is progress. I was beginning to think I would never figure it out. Check out the videos below. These are some of the tips I used to get my swim on! I love youtube. I can have the greatest coaching around for free.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Counting Calories Eaten and Burned on a Budget
One of the products that is all the rage now is a device that counts calories burned, heart rate and even sleep efficiency. There are several brands that are dominating the market. Both major brands are actually made by the same company and come with a website membership that allows you to track your caloric intake. These sophisticated devices communicate with the website and when you enter your eating for the day, you can see if you have met your caloric intake goals for the day.
While these devices are absolutely great, they are pretty expensive. I didn't want to spend $200-$250 for one of these devices, but really wanted the benefits.
The Pros:
I discovered a really good alternative for less that $25! First of all, one of the most important components of these devices is the website where you can count calories, track meals, track exercise and calories burned. I tried several free webisites that provide these services, and my favorite by far is www.myfitnesspal.com. My Fitness Pal is super easy to use and has tons and tons of foods already loaded to its library. I have used other sites, including the super spendy ones mentioned above and had to enter the nutritional information of many of the foods and supplements that I regularly use. My Fitness Pal has my shakeology in the library as well as ProArgi9, common brands of food like Aldi and Wal-mart. I haven't had to enter any nutritional information yet. The ads are limited and do not interfere with the usage of the website.
Most exercises that I do are in the exercise library and I don't have to make up new entries. After exercising, I just enter the time I spent on the exercise and the calories burned are calculated automatically. Sometimes the exercise calories counts don't match the watch exactly and I just adjust the time I spent on the exercise to match my watch counts. For CrossFit exercises, I write the WOD in the notes section and piece together the exercise in the log and use the watch numbers to tweak the numbers.
Once the exercise and food log is complete for the day, there is a button that calculates the totals and the program will estimate the weight you are expected to be in 5 weeks time!
The second part of the program is the cardiac monitoring device. I found a "Sportline" brand watch/calorie counter at Walmart for less than $30. The watch has several cool features including being water-resistant. The watch is light weight and and pretty simple to operate. The watch is affordable and so far very reliable. I have worn it in water, during strenuous crossfit workouts and during the night from time to time.
The Cons:
The expensive top of the line models automatically monitor the heartrate and calculate calories. This watch requires more user interaction. Every time your heart rate increases, you have to set the rate by touching the sensor on the watch for a few seconds. Even though this may seem like a con, the watch displays the rate and the percentage of max heart rate. And since you are actively monitoring your heart rate, you become very aware of your activity level and relationship to the burning of calories. So, I guess I consider it a pro...
Instead of automatically entering the calorie burn on the website, you have to log into My Fitness Pal and update it. The good news is that many of my exercises are already in the library complete with calories burned per minute! So, log in to the website and enter the number of minutes you ran or did burpees or whatever and the total calories burned is added to your daily log. You can adjust the numbers to match your watch. Again, much more time consuming, but allows you to closely monitor your efforts and eating.
So, the high end expensive systems require little user intervention and involvement, but the less expensive units are a great way to actively monitor your progress and be very involved in your health progress. Often, overweight individuals are very out of tune with their bodies. Using an active monitoring system is a great way to learn about the body and its responses to food and exercise.
While these devices are absolutely great, they are pretty expensive. I didn't want to spend $200-$250 for one of these devices, but really wanted the benefits.
The Pros:
I discovered a really good alternative for less that $25! First of all, one of the most important components of these devices is the website where you can count calories, track meals, track exercise and calories burned. I tried several free webisites that provide these services, and my favorite by far is www.myfitnesspal.com. My Fitness Pal is super easy to use and has tons and tons of foods already loaded to its library. I have used other sites, including the super spendy ones mentioned above and had to enter the nutritional information of many of the foods and supplements that I regularly use. My Fitness Pal has my shakeology in the library as well as ProArgi9, common brands of food like Aldi and Wal-mart. I haven't had to enter any nutritional information yet. The ads are limited and do not interfere with the usage of the website.
Most exercises that I do are in the exercise library and I don't have to make up new entries. After exercising, I just enter the time I spent on the exercise and the calories burned are calculated automatically. Sometimes the exercise calories counts don't match the watch exactly and I just adjust the time I spent on the exercise to match my watch counts. For CrossFit exercises, I write the WOD in the notes section and piece together the exercise in the log and use the watch numbers to tweak the numbers.
Once the exercise and food log is complete for the day, there is a button that calculates the totals and the program will estimate the weight you are expected to be in 5 weeks time!
The second part of the program is the cardiac monitoring device. I found a "Sportline" brand watch/calorie counter at Walmart for less than $30. The watch has several cool features including being water-resistant. The watch is light weight and and pretty simple to operate. The watch is affordable and so far very reliable. I have worn it in water, during strenuous crossfit workouts and during the night from time to time.
The Cons:
The expensive top of the line models automatically monitor the heartrate and calculate calories. This watch requires more user interaction. Every time your heart rate increases, you have to set the rate by touching the sensor on the watch for a few seconds. Even though this may seem like a con, the watch displays the rate and the percentage of max heart rate. And since you are actively monitoring your heart rate, you become very aware of your activity level and relationship to the burning of calories. So, I guess I consider it a pro...
Instead of automatically entering the calorie burn on the website, you have to log into My Fitness Pal and update it. The good news is that many of my exercises are already in the library complete with calories burned per minute! So, log in to the website and enter the number of minutes you ran or did burpees or whatever and the total calories burned is added to your daily log. You can adjust the numbers to match your watch. Again, much more time consuming, but allows you to closely monitor your efforts and eating.
So, the high end expensive systems require little user intervention and involvement, but the less expensive units are a great way to actively monitor your progress and be very involved in your health progress. Often, overweight individuals are very out of tune with their bodies. Using an active monitoring system is a great way to learn about the body and its responses to food and exercise.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Pose Running
Do you ever have knee pain or other joint pain, shin splints, calf pain, etc while running? I do and that's why I hate running- because it hurts.
The Pose technique is supposed to help that problem. Dr. Nicholas Romanov a triathlon coach developed a technique of falling forward and lifting the knee to help reduce impact and help prevent injuries. It is also actually more efficient than regular running. Check out the videos and see what you think.
The Pose technique is supposed to help that problem. Dr. Nicholas Romanov a triathlon coach developed a technique of falling forward and lifting the knee to help reduce impact and help prevent injuries. It is also actually more efficient than regular running. Check out the videos and see what you think.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Running in America
Running in America
I have heard this guy before. It is a great interview on barefoot running! Very cool information.
I have heard this guy before. It is a great interview on barefoot running! Very cool information.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
No More Knee Pain- Corrective Stretching
I have knee pain. It is something I have suffered with for as long as I can remember. When I was 12 I was seeing a specialist. When I was doing karate a couple of years ago, it was almost intolerable.
During our CrossFit workouts, my coach and brother noticed how tight the muscles in my thighs and calves and hamstrings are. I have these massive calves and super strong muscles, my best physical traits. He told me that the tightness is what is causing the knee pain.
I decided to get on the internet and do my own research, and here is what I found. It turns out you have this thing called an IT band. It connects glutes to the tibia. It is attaches to the patella or kneecap on its way to the tibia. That causes a problem aka pain in the knee. All of the symptoms match- especially the pulling of the kneecap to the outside when I walk or move my legs up and down.
To fix the pain caused by IT band tightness which turns into Patella Femoral Tracking Dysfunction, I just have to roll up and down on this foam tube. You can check out the videos below for demons and more information. The rolling is pretty painful at first.
The next step is to loosen up my hip flexor muscles. I added a few samples of exercises that I am adding to my routine every day to improve my flexibility. I am having trouble doing all of the exercises in CrossFit due to my in-flexibility. Additionally, inflexibility is a path to injury and chronic pain. Updates to come!
During our CrossFit workouts, my coach and brother noticed how tight the muscles in my thighs and calves and hamstrings are. I have these massive calves and super strong muscles, my best physical traits. He told me that the tightness is what is causing the knee pain.
I decided to get on the internet and do my own research, and here is what I found. It turns out you have this thing called an IT band. It connects glutes to the tibia. It is attaches to the patella or kneecap on its way to the tibia. That causes a problem aka pain in the knee. All of the symptoms match- especially the pulling of the kneecap to the outside when I walk or move my legs up and down.
To fix the pain caused by IT band tightness which turns into Patella Femoral Tracking Dysfunction, I just have to roll up and down on this foam tube. You can check out the videos below for demons and more information. The rolling is pretty painful at first.
The next step is to loosen up my hip flexor muscles. I added a few samples of exercises that I am adding to my routine every day to improve my flexibility. I am having trouble doing all of the exercises in CrossFit due to my in-flexibility. Additionally, inflexibility is a path to injury and chronic pain. Updates to come!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Mountain Bikes are NOT built for speed
Yesterday dear hubby went out and bought me a speed and distance device and attached it to my bike so I can see how fast I am going and how far...So, excited and totally confident in my biking abilities, I mounted my purple mountain bike and set off to break land speed biking records this afternoon. You know all of the triathlon training videos and articles I have been reading have all said to train on your weakest sport. With that in mind, I have been trying to learn how to swim (more about that later). Biking is my strongest sport. I have been riding a bicycle since I was 5 years old and I have the calves and thighs of a bodybuilder...I got this one in the bag.
Dear hubby and two daughters in tow, we approached the park entrance. I had to stop and wait for dear hubby to fix the speed / distance device. While I waited, I read the park rules for decorum posted at the entrance. One line warned cyclists to keep their speed under 15 mph. I thought to myself.."We will see about that. I am training for a triathlon." Besides that the park was strangely empty for a Saturday afternoon.
Once the device was fixed, I pulled out in front of the kids and hubby. I figured I would race out a ahead and take a breather every now and then to allow them to catch up. I pedaled furiously and kept the bike in the lowest gear (or highest...don't know which one it is, but the gear that I am referring to is the second hardest gear...you know the one where you pedal harder and less). I was picking up speed and flying through the park. According to last years' Monster Triathlon times, I need to do 12 miles in about 40-45 minutes to stay in the middle of the pack. So, roughly 15+ miles per hour is my minimum speed. I looked down at my spedometer and to my dismay it was displaying 11 mph. I pedaled faster and got it to 13 mph. I was horrified. Now I know I just started training, but I also know I am in better shape than that. To test my theory (the one that starts with, "This bike sucks...") I pedaled as fast as I could down a pretty steep grade and got it to 14 mph.
I don't think mountain bikes are built for speed. I will keep training on my purple steed until I can raise the funds to buy a real racer, but that may take awhile. A good road bike can cost upwards of a couple of thousand dollars! Oh my.
One thing I did learn today is that one of the techniques I watched on youtube actually works. It is from the Pose technique. I will post the video below. The coach tells you rather than push down on the pedals with your legs, simply lift up off the downward pedal. It really works. When I remembered this technique and tried it, I noticed a huge difference. Cool huh?
Dear hubby and two daughters in tow, we approached the park entrance. I had to stop and wait for dear hubby to fix the speed / distance device. While I waited, I read the park rules for decorum posted at the entrance. One line warned cyclists to keep their speed under 15 mph. I thought to myself.."We will see about that. I am training for a triathlon." Besides that the park was strangely empty for a Saturday afternoon.
Once the device was fixed, I pulled out in front of the kids and hubby. I figured I would race out a ahead and take a breather every now and then to allow them to catch up. I pedaled furiously and kept the bike in the lowest gear (or highest...don't know which one it is, but the gear that I am referring to is the second hardest gear...you know the one where you pedal harder and less). I was picking up speed and flying through the park. According to last years' Monster Triathlon times, I need to do 12 miles in about 40-45 minutes to stay in the middle of the pack. So, roughly 15+ miles per hour is my minimum speed. I looked down at my spedometer and to my dismay it was displaying 11 mph. I pedaled faster and got it to 13 mph. I was horrified. Now I know I just started training, but I also know I am in better shape than that. To test my theory (the one that starts with, "This bike sucks...") I pedaled as fast as I could down a pretty steep grade and got it to 14 mph.
I don't think mountain bikes are built for speed. I will keep training on my purple steed until I can raise the funds to buy a real racer, but that may take awhile. A good road bike can cost upwards of a couple of thousand dollars! Oh my.
One thing I did learn today is that one of the techniques I watched on youtube actually works. It is from the Pose technique. I will post the video below. The coach tells you rather than push down on the pedals with your legs, simply lift up off the downward pedal. It really works. When I remembered this technique and tried it, I noticed a huge difference. Cool huh?
Friday, July 9, 2010
Triathlon Training has begun
I am not sure what sparked this interest in the triathlon, but I am going to give it a shot. I have never seen myself as an athlete, and now I think I can see myself finishing a triathlon. I am doing this to prove to myself that I can be athletic. I was always the big dorky klutz in my family, constantly falling and tripping and what-not. Not anymore. I am going to turn this rugged mess into something smooth and polished. And I have a lot of work to do.
Today I did a Brass Ring Fitness workout:
Max Rounds (do as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes)
20 Minutes
Each round consists of:
10 squats
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
Sounds easy right? Wrong! I did 10 rounds. Two more than my studly husband and 5 less than my 15 year old football champ son!
After the brass ring, I swam 6 laps. Not much, but I was beat. My swimming is pitiful. I am sure I look like a retarded whale at this point. I have never learned how to hold my breath under water. I have to hold my nose with my hand. And so when I am swimming, my head is all the way out of the water. That is not a very effective swimming technique. So I bought some nose plugs and have been trying to learn how to swim for real. Hmmmm.... The first time I tried to go under water with the nose plugs, I freaked out! What's up with that? So, I have been working on my breathing technique. I watched a cool video ( I will post below) and that helped. So today, it was a few laps and lots of breathing practice. Ok, so no more freaking out, but when I turn my head sideways to breath all I get is hair in my mouth. Time for a super-dorky hat. There is more to this being an athlete thing than meets the eye, that's for sure.
Happy Swimming!
Today I did a Brass Ring Fitness workout:
Max Rounds (do as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes)
20 Minutes
Each round consists of:
10 squats
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
Sounds easy right? Wrong! I did 10 rounds. Two more than my studly husband and 5 less than my 15 year old football champ son!
After the brass ring, I swam 6 laps. Not much, but I was beat. My swimming is pitiful. I am sure I look like a retarded whale at this point. I have never learned how to hold my breath under water. I have to hold my nose with my hand. And so when I am swimming, my head is all the way out of the water. That is not a very effective swimming technique. So I bought some nose plugs and have been trying to learn how to swim for real. Hmmmm.... The first time I tried to go under water with the nose plugs, I freaked out! What's up with that? So, I have been working on my breathing technique. I watched a cool video ( I will post below) and that helped. So today, it was a few laps and lots of breathing practice. Ok, so no more freaking out, but when I turn my head sideways to breath all I get is hair in my mouth. Time for a super-dorky hat. There is more to this being an athlete thing than meets the eye, that's for sure.
Happy Swimming!
I Think I will run a Triathalon
So, I am going to run a triathlon. I am pretty nervous about it. I have never considered myself an athlete, but I am so excited about this. At the same time, I am feeling a bit anxious too. The thing is that most triathalons take place in a lake or other natural bed of water. I am big on nature and love being near the water, not swimming in it, especially in Texas.... So, I found an event where the water part is in a pool and in my home town of Keller. The Monster Triathalon in October. The training videos and articles I am reading are all saying that I should give myself six months to train. Well, I am giving myself less than that!
Training for the triathlon has begun. We rode 10 miles with Daisy yesterday. It took 70 minutes because we were riding at her running speed. I am going to have to work on my own too. I think the adventure racing and triathlons will help me stay motivated in this healthy new life adventure I am on.
Training for the triathlon has begun. We rode 10 miles with Daisy yesterday. It took 70 minutes because we were riding at her running speed. I am going to have to work on my own too. I think the adventure racing and triathlons will help me stay motivated in this healthy new life adventure I am on.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
3 days at a Water Park!
Dear hubby and I took 4 of our kids plus 2 of their friends to Schlitterbahn this week. I can actually say that the trip was a complete success! We had a blast and dear hubby and I ran the kids into the ground rather than the other way around. Thanks to crossfit, Shakeology and ProArgi9!
I had energy and stamina that I haven't had in years if ever. Lugging tubes up and down hundreds of stairs was a piece a cake. It was awesome. Feeling good is so worth the effort in exercise and the discipline of good eating. I am not at my ideal weight and body condition, but I am on my way and feeling so great. And that is the goal of this journey- chase the feeling!
Keep working out and chasing the feeling good!
All of that being said, after three days on and around the water, I have decided that decorum needs a few new rules:
1) Just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you should wear it!
I had energy and stamina that I haven't had in years if ever. Lugging tubes up and down hundreds of stairs was a piece a cake. It was awesome. Feeling good is so worth the effort in exercise and the discipline of good eating. I am not at my ideal weight and body condition, but I am on my way and feeling so great. And that is the goal of this journey- chase the feeling!
Keep working out and chasing the feeling good!
All of that being said, after three days on and around the water, I have decided that decorum needs a few new rules:
1) Just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you should wear it!
2) There should be a mandatory 7 day waiting/cooling off period to get a tattoo!
3) 3 month old babies don't like water rides.
(all gleaned from my recent trip to the water park)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Burned 1000 calories in 38 minutes!
Ok, totally cool revelation. I burned 1000+ calories thanks to a 38 minute workout. That's right. I bought a calorie monitor and decided to monitor one of the crossfit workouts. We did the "Filthy Fifty" as dictated by my brother the Coach. I am not going to tell you about it yet.
The workout was killer. My heart rate was really high- burning calories baby! I even had to modify because I think I strained a back muscle doing some stupid class at the gym last week. Our little group meets at Bluebonnet Elementary each Sunday morning and does a crossfit workout designed by my brother.
During this workout, I burned 700+ calories, but as you may not know, you continue burning calories at a rapid rate following a vigorous workout. So for the workout and following half hour or so, I burned over 1000 calories. That kicks my usual 600 calories an hour or so resting burn!
So are you dying to hear about the workout? Don't let it scare you off. I am going to list the workout as prescribed and then descibe my modifications. Don't run away yet.
The Filthy Fifty- For time (that means time it to see how long it takes you)
50 knees to elbows (hanging from the monkey bars pull your knees to your elbows)
50 hyper-extnesions (lay belly down on a big ball and pull up with your back)
50 burpees (from standing- jump down to push-up position, do push-up, jump back up)
50 jumping pull ups (stand on a box, jump up to pull up position, lower yourself down)
50 box jumps (jump on a box or curb- extending through the hips for explosive power)
50 double unders (jump rope where rope goes around twice for each jump- or 200 regular jumps)
50 push presses (use dumbells or weight bar and do push presses )
50 walking lunges (get those knees to tap the ground)
50 wall balls (from deep squat throw a medicine ball to the wall)
50 kettle bell swings
Ok, so I did most of that taking a few breathers in between. The goal is to keep the heart rate up and do them as fast as you can. That way you are getting awesome cardio and resistance training. So, yesterday my modifications were these: I couldn't jump because my back hurt, so I did step-ups to an 8-10" curb for the box jump and then an additional 100 step-ups instead of jump rope. Also, since I am not in good enough shape to do 10 burpees let alone 50, my burpee is basically fall to the ground, and get back up again. Someday, I have a dream of doing a complete burpee! For kettle bells, I used a 20 poound weight and my walkking lunges didn't quite make a knee tap.
The cool thing about this workout is that you don't need a gym membership, you don't need much expensive equipment, and you can scale it very easily to meet your physical abilities. My brother the SWAT trainer and competitor was crawling on the ground when he was done. My son, the football hero, was crumpled on the ground in the fetal position. The only way we knew he was alive was his thumbs up when I asked him if he was still alive! They used larger weights and medicine balls and did real burpees!
Why kill yourself like this you may be asking??? Because I burned an extra 1000+ calories from a 38 minute workout. And the most important thing- the feeling you get after a workout like this is amazing. Not only does the body feel great, it does something for the mind. You look at the workout written down and think, there is no way I can do this...then when you finish, even if it is not pretty, that feeling is the best of all.
The workout was killer. My heart rate was really high- burning calories baby! I even had to modify because I think I strained a back muscle doing some stupid class at the gym last week. Our little group meets at Bluebonnet Elementary each Sunday morning and does a crossfit workout designed by my brother.
During this workout, I burned 700+ calories, but as you may not know, you continue burning calories at a rapid rate following a vigorous workout. So for the workout and following half hour or so, I burned over 1000 calories. That kicks my usual 600 calories an hour or so resting burn!
So are you dying to hear about the workout? Don't let it scare you off. I am going to list the workout as prescribed and then descibe my modifications. Don't run away yet.
The Filthy Fifty- For time (that means time it to see how long it takes you)
50 knees to elbows (hanging from the monkey bars pull your knees to your elbows)
50 hyper-extnesions (lay belly down on a big ball and pull up with your back)
50 burpees (from standing- jump down to push-up position, do push-up, jump back up)
50 jumping pull ups (stand on a box, jump up to pull up position, lower yourself down)
50 box jumps (jump on a box or curb- extending through the hips for explosive power)
50 double unders (jump rope where rope goes around twice for each jump- or 200 regular jumps)
50 push presses (use dumbells or weight bar and do push presses )
50 walking lunges (get those knees to tap the ground)
50 wall balls (from deep squat throw a medicine ball to the wall)
50 kettle bell swings
Ok, so I did most of that taking a few breathers in between. The goal is to keep the heart rate up and do them as fast as you can. That way you are getting awesome cardio and resistance training. So, yesterday my modifications were these: I couldn't jump because my back hurt, so I did step-ups to an 8-10" curb for the box jump and then an additional 100 step-ups instead of jump rope. Also, since I am not in good enough shape to do 10 burpees let alone 50, my burpee is basically fall to the ground, and get back up again. Someday, I have a dream of doing a complete burpee! For kettle bells, I used a 20 poound weight and my walkking lunges didn't quite make a knee tap.
The cool thing about this workout is that you don't need a gym membership, you don't need much expensive equipment, and you can scale it very easily to meet your physical abilities. My brother the SWAT trainer and competitor was crawling on the ground when he was done. My son, the football hero, was crumpled on the ground in the fetal position. The only way we knew he was alive was his thumbs up when I asked him if he was still alive! They used larger weights and medicine balls and did real burpees!
Why kill yourself like this you may be asking??? Because I burned an extra 1000+ calories from a 38 minute workout. And the most important thing- the feeling you get after a workout like this is amazing. Not only does the body feel great, it does something for the mind. You look at the workout written down and think, there is no way I can do this...then when you finish, even if it is not pretty, that feeling is the best of all.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I like Numbers
I like numbers. Numbers can tell a story. Hopefully the numbers will tell the story of my fitness progress. Hopefully, that story will be a good one.
I met for the last time with my personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. My mom bought me a couple of sessions. We did a weigh in and measurements a month ago. I have been anticipating this day for weeks. I would prove to my overly cynical and disbelieving trainer that I was working the program and busting in to get in shape. So, no drum roll needed....I lost 5 pounds and 2.5 inches total in one month. I had to hold back tears as she wrote down each of the measurements.
I was devastated for about an hour and bravely held back a few tears while I finished my workout. I had to have a good long chat with myself. You know one of those internal pep talks! I had to tell myself that progress was progress and that inches and pounds are disappearing. But at what cost? I have been pushing myself harder than I ever have in my life, hoping to have miraculous results at the weigh. Well, no music and no lights from the heavens at my weigh in.
After my workout and after standing in front of my bathroom mirror in serious contemplation, I came to a conclusion. The numbers can lie. I am in pants and shirts that I haven't worn in a long time. I am on the last hole in my belt. I have energy every day. My boobs stick out farther than my belly. I am getting stronger and have no problem making it through group workout classes. I can do 100 knees to elbows in 38 minutes! I AM MAKING PROGRESS!
So, tonight I did a pilates/yoga class and enjoyed doing the downward facing dog stronger than I was last week. I even looked in the mirror and noticed visible changes (positive ones) to my figure.
The moral of the story is: Numbers are cool- I can keep track of my eating with numbers and I can manage my workouts with numbers and I can eventually see weight and inches disappear with numbers. But the numbers aren't everything. Who cares what I weigh? It's not a number that is tatooed on my forehead. So if I look good and feel good, the numbers really don't matter.
Don't get discouraged. Keep up the good fight. Forget the numbers. Focus on the feeling.
I met for the last time with my personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. My mom bought me a couple of sessions. We did a weigh in and measurements a month ago. I have been anticipating this day for weeks. I would prove to my overly cynical and disbelieving trainer that I was working the program and busting in to get in shape. So, no drum roll needed....I lost 5 pounds and 2.5 inches total in one month. I had to hold back tears as she wrote down each of the measurements.
I was devastated for about an hour and bravely held back a few tears while I finished my workout. I had to have a good long chat with myself. You know one of those internal pep talks! I had to tell myself that progress was progress and that inches and pounds are disappearing. But at what cost? I have been pushing myself harder than I ever have in my life, hoping to have miraculous results at the weigh. Well, no music and no lights from the heavens at my weigh in.
After my workout and after standing in front of my bathroom mirror in serious contemplation, I came to a conclusion. The numbers can lie. I am in pants and shirts that I haven't worn in a long time. I am on the last hole in my belt. I have energy every day. My boobs stick out farther than my belly. I am getting stronger and have no problem making it through group workout classes. I can do 100 knees to elbows in 38 minutes! I AM MAKING PROGRESS!
So, tonight I did a pilates/yoga class and enjoyed doing the downward facing dog stronger than I was last week. I even looked in the mirror and noticed visible changes (positive ones) to my figure.
The moral of the story is: Numbers are cool- I can keep track of my eating with numbers and I can manage my workouts with numbers and I can eventually see weight and inches disappear with numbers. But the numbers aren't everything. Who cares what I weigh? It's not a number that is tatooed on my forehead. So if I look good and feel good, the numbers really don't matter.
Don't get discouraged. Keep up the good fight. Forget the numbers. Focus on the feeling.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Local (Ft. Worth) Adventure Races
So, now that I am working out like a fiend, I am going to have to start setting my sights on some goals and stuff. 'Cause that's just how I am. I am not talking about weight loss goals. Those have been set already. I am talking about what I am going to do with my super fine fit self in six months. My first love is martial arts. So, Goal Number 1) Get back into comepetive martial arts and earn my black belt. I have an orange belt in American Karate, but I am actually thinking of checking out Crav Maga. I am not going to return until I am super fit and tough though. I did karate fat and I didn't like being fat and doing martial arts. This is why I am doing crossfit- to get tough.
Meanwhile, my brother (AKA Coach) is into all of this wicked crazy adventure race stuff. So, I am checking it out.
Adventure racing takes usually takes place on rugged terrain. No paved roads here, if you please. So for those of us who hate running aimlessly on paved roads that were meant for cars and bikes and not human knees, adventure racing might be just the thing! There is a track over the hills and through the woods with obstacles and rivers and often times lots of mud. At the end of the race, it seems that the runners usually get free beer!
I am going to try one this fall and will let you know how it goes. Here are the local ones that I have come across so far. As I hear of more I will post to my site. Check it out and come join us in the fun!
Meanwhile, my brother (AKA Coach) is into all of this wicked crazy adventure race stuff. So, I am checking it out.
Adventure racing takes usually takes place on rugged terrain. No paved roads here, if you please. So for those of us who hate running aimlessly on paved roads that were meant for cars and bikes and not human knees, adventure racing might be just the thing! There is a track over the hills and through the woods with obstacles and rivers and often times lots of mud. At the end of the race, it seems that the runners usually get free beer!
I am going to try one this fall and will let you know how it goes. Here are the local ones that I have come across so far. As I hear of more I will post to my site. Check it out and come join us in the fun!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Swim, swim, swim...
I swam 40 laps in the pool tonight. I love the outdoor pool at 24 hour fitness. In the evening, the pool is in the shade and when they kick the kids out, it is very peaceful. I swam with the kids tonight. April joined me for laps. She swam 30 laps with me! At about 20 laps, I asked her if she needed a break and she said, "No, the pool is about to close and I might not finish." So we pushed through and finished just in the nick of time. She is eight and officially learned to swim last week. Watch out Michael Phelps!
I can feel it in my core and my butt tonight. I did a boxing class last night with lots of lunges! Must be working…
I can feel it in my core and my butt tonight. I did a boxing class last night with lots of lunges! Must be working…
Friday, June 18, 2010
16 pounds down....about 55 more to go!
Well, I am 22% of the way there! 55 more pounds to go! Good grief.
I also learned that you have to burn an extra 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat! Grrrrr...I am suddenly not so hungry anymore. Every time I think about eating, I think about having to burn 3500 calories. I suddenly found that little bit of motivation that put me over the edge. I have been terrible about cheating a little here and there, thinking it wouldn't matter, but when I started tracking my calories honestly, I was horrified at how quickly they add up! And guess what, down 2 more pounds.
Did a boxing class tonight at the gym. It started out painful and awful. My knees were stiff and hurting and I was pooped, but then suddenly about half way through, I go this kick of energy. The knees loosened up and I felt great. Still riding that high.
After the workout, I took my daughter to see The Karate Kid 2010! Have to say that I love watching Jackie Chan. He is an amazing athlete. Made me want to get back into martial arts badly. I miss it so much. My goal is to lose the weight by Spring of 2011 and then take up Karate or Krav Maga for maintenance.
Also learned that sleep deprivation is a huge hindrance to weight loss and here I am up at past midnight. Off to bed now.
I also learned that you have to burn an extra 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat! Grrrrr...I am suddenly not so hungry anymore. Every time I think about eating, I think about having to burn 3500 calories. I suddenly found that little bit of motivation that put me over the edge. I have been terrible about cheating a little here and there, thinking it wouldn't matter, but when I started tracking my calories honestly, I was horrified at how quickly they add up! And guess what, down 2 more pounds.
Did a boxing class tonight at the gym. It started out painful and awful. My knees were stiff and hurting and I was pooped, but then suddenly about half way through, I go this kick of energy. The knees loosened up and I felt great. Still riding that high.
After the workout, I took my daughter to see The Karate Kid 2010! Have to say that I love watching Jackie Chan. He is an amazing athlete. Made me want to get back into martial arts badly. I miss it so much. My goal is to lose the weight by Spring of 2011 and then take up Karate or Krav Maga for maintenance.
Also learned that sleep deprivation is a huge hindrance to weight loss and here I am up at past midnight. Off to bed now.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I can't dance...
I decided to take a Zumba class tonight. Ahhhh....I can't dance. I felt like a big goober. Our instructor is from Argentina and is beautiful and flexible and full of fire. I got lost in the moves so many time, however, I was sweating a lot. I talked to some of my classmates and they said that it took them about a month to get the moves down. So, I will think about sticking with it. I missed my crossfit workout today and was thinking fondly of it while I was spinning around in circles and trying to get my hips to shake and move.
My knees are really hurting tonight so I am sitting with some icepacks on each one as I write this. I have a history of knee problems, so I am going to keep an eye on it.
Good night...sweet dreams.
My knees are really hurting tonight so I am sitting with some icepacks on each one as I write this. I have a history of knee problems, so I am going to keep an eye on it.
Good night...sweet dreams.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Crossfit Workout of the Day!
Dear hubby and I are working on losing the weight and getting into great shape. So we decided to workout using the crossfit program. Crossfit is like a workout on steroids. Lots of military special forces and law enforcement agencies use it. So what the heck, right? We enlisted the help of my brother a crossfit trainer to get us started and on the right track.
He is teaching us form and technique every Sunday morning in the park. Yesterday, we did an exercise called "Deck of Cards." My brother assigned each suit in the deck an exercise like diamonds were knees to elbows from a dangling position on the monkey bars, hearts were push-ups, clubs were dip and press, and spades were squats, jokers were 10 burpees and aces made us run a very long way. So we picked a card and whatever suit we picked, determined the activity and the number on the card determined the number of exercises. While, fun that torture lasted for about 20 minutes or so.
In our post work out stupor, we all decided to run the White Rock Marathon as a relay team in December and my 12 year old daughter who loves running decided to train for the full marathon! I am not all that excited about running, but running in a full marathon would be so cool. One of my bigest fitness goals is to return to martial arts again and get my black belt. I started in karate because of my kids and I fell in love with it. I miss doing it so much, but right now I need to get back in shape so when I return to the sport, I will be able to focus on technique, and not wheeze around the ring like an old fat geiser!
Today, dear hubby and I did our first Work out of the day without our coach! We rowed 3500 meters and did 50 bench presses at 100 pounds each. We are so excited about it. Each night they post the next day's workout and tomorrow looks like more rowing! I really enjoyed the rowing machine today.
I never used to be able to imagine myself as an athlete, but now I am starting to get that dream in the back of my mind. I am totally motivated to make it happen.
He is teaching us form and technique every Sunday morning in the park. Yesterday, we did an exercise called "Deck of Cards." My brother assigned each suit in the deck an exercise like diamonds were knees to elbows from a dangling position on the monkey bars, hearts were push-ups, clubs were dip and press, and spades were squats, jokers were 10 burpees and aces made us run a very long way. So we picked a card and whatever suit we picked, determined the activity and the number on the card determined the number of exercises. While, fun that torture lasted for about 20 minutes or so.
In our post work out stupor, we all decided to run the White Rock Marathon as a relay team in December and my 12 year old daughter who loves running decided to train for the full marathon! I am not all that excited about running, but running in a full marathon would be so cool. One of my bigest fitness goals is to return to martial arts again and get my black belt. I started in karate because of my kids and I fell in love with it. I miss doing it so much, but right now I need to get back in shape so when I return to the sport, I will be able to focus on technique, and not wheeze around the ring like an old fat geiser!
Today, dear hubby and I did our first Work out of the day without our coach! We rowed 3500 meters and did 50 bench presses at 100 pounds each. We are so excited about it. Each night they post the next day's workout and tomorrow looks like more rowing! I really enjoyed the rowing machine today.
I never used to be able to imagine myself as an athlete, but now I am starting to get that dream in the back of my mind. I am totally motivated to make it happen.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Health Kick
I have been on this health kick and embarked on this weight loss and conditioning thing for about 6 weeks now. This is not the first time I have started this. I was actually in pretty good shape at a time or two in my life. I worked out everyday and passed a really hard firefighter physical agility test which I was told most chicks fail.
So what happened? Well, after about 6 years of failed attempts to get pregnant, we adopted a sibling group of 5 from Texas CPS. And I fell off the wagon. We had been off sugar and doing a very healthy lifestyle for several years. The first weekend we met our kids, our caseworker told us to bring snacks to win our way into the hearts of our new children. I had a weak moment and had a handful of M&Ms. And that was it. I didn’t even like them anymore, but I was off the wagon so to speak. And 6 years later I had gained 50 pounds! I attribute it to the stress of instant family and the financial issues that come with being a stay at home mom making ends meet for a family of 7 on a cop’s salary.
Now, that kids are all in school and doing really well and I am back to work, I am ready to take on the challenge of losing that weight and getting my butt back in shape. It has not been an easy thing this time around. BK (Before Kids) I had a stubborn resolve and didn’t eat one tiny ounce of sugar for almost 2 years. Now, I am working on saying "No" to myself.
Well, update? Six weeks into it and I am down 14 pounds. Yeah! It seems to be coming off ever so SLOWLY. My family has started our own version of Biggest Loser and we have joined 24 hour fitness and enlisted the help of my brother for weekly Crossfit workouts on Sunday mornings. He is a crossfit trainer and SWAT member and a tough drill seargent.
I love the Crossfit workouts, especially when they are over! I am really enjoying working out during the week and am really making this a lifestyle change.
Good luck to all of you who are out there trying to get in shape and getting your life under control.
Talk to you soon…
So what happened? Well, after about 6 years of failed attempts to get pregnant, we adopted a sibling group of 5 from Texas CPS. And I fell off the wagon. We had been off sugar and doing a very healthy lifestyle for several years. The first weekend we met our kids, our caseworker told us to bring snacks to win our way into the hearts of our new children. I had a weak moment and had a handful of M&Ms. And that was it. I didn’t even like them anymore, but I was off the wagon so to speak. And 6 years later I had gained 50 pounds! I attribute it to the stress of instant family and the financial issues that come with being a stay at home mom making ends meet for a family of 7 on a cop’s salary.
Now, that kids are all in school and doing really well and I am back to work, I am ready to take on the challenge of losing that weight and getting my butt back in shape. It has not been an easy thing this time around. BK (Before Kids) I had a stubborn resolve and didn’t eat one tiny ounce of sugar for almost 2 years. Now, I am working on saying "No" to myself.
Well, update? Six weeks into it and I am down 14 pounds. Yeah! It seems to be coming off ever so SLOWLY. My family has started our own version of Biggest Loser and we have joined 24 hour fitness and enlisted the help of my brother for weekly Crossfit workouts on Sunday mornings. He is a crossfit trainer and SWAT member and a tough drill seargent.
I love the Crossfit workouts, especially when they are over! I am really enjoying working out during the week and am really making this a lifestyle change.
Good luck to all of you who are out there trying to get in shape and getting your life under control.
Talk to you soon…
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A Bluebonnet Huntin' we will go...
So, every spring the annual hunt for bluebonnets and wild flowers begins and ends quite quickly. Texas wildflower season is well known for its vivid splash of fleeting color. The season is short and the timing is everything if you want to get the obligatory "kids in the bluebonnets" pictures. I think it is some sort of mandatory Texas mom activity.
The weather has not been cooperating for the past few years. With our great rain this year, I was expecting great things from the blubonnets. However, one quick check to a bluebonnet watcher website revealed that bluebonnets were 'aplenty in Potontoc, Texas. ??? No, I have never heard of it before. A couple of clicks later, the day trip was planned.
So, I love Texas in the spring. Even without the wildflowers coloring the lush green carpet of grass, Texas has a certain charm. We hopped in the truck- all six of us, and headed out to see the flowers and spend the day together.
Driving along highway 16, I fell into a reminiscence of my first memories of Texas. We moved to Texa when I was about 14. Of course, I hated it. Mostly because I was 14. I soon found a mentor who taught me how to train dogs and show like an expert. We would spend hours driving around Texas looking a dogs, buying and selling livestock and traveling to dog shows. My dear mentor told me stories about old dogs she had known, history of old Texas towns and regaled me with stories of her childhood. I learned to love Texas driving around with her.
Driving in the hill contry brought me back to those times that so greatly influenced my young and obnoxious life.
I hope to share my love of Texas and nature in general with my kids. I always point out flowers, trees, animals and other natural interests to them. I was rewarded for my efforts in Comanche. Around lunchtime we rolled into town and after a quick pitstop, headed to the city park to eat our picnic lunch. After lunch, we explored the large park and found the most amazing treasure- a great tree.
Check out the pics of our tree. The kids took to the tree and climbed all over it. While standing there, my imagination took over. I spent a long time imagining the things that tree has seen. It looks to be hundreds of years old. When it was time to go, I had to coax the kids out and drag them away from the tree. They loved that old amazing thing. I was so proud.
On to the next adventure of the day. We traveled for a couple of hours and hit the jackpot. Around a corner and over a hill, we drove into wonderland. A blanket of blue and yellow and orange lined the tiny little farmroad and dotted the hills and fields.
When we finally arrived in Pontotoc, we were rewarded with a large patch of bluebonnets, tall and as healthy as I have ever seen backdropped by an old crumbling building- piece of Texas history. My hubby read the historical marker and discovered that the building had been a teacher college in the past.
Photo Sharing by Polaroid Studio :: jtinker's Polaroid Studio Gallery :: Bluebonnets
The kids posed like pros and hung around admiring the flowers for a little while. The kids begged to go back to the tree in Comanche, but we finally decided to take 281 home and drop by Lake Granbury for a quick little dip before heading home.
In Llano, we picked up Cooper's bbq to go for me and hubby and Sonic for the kids. They are not bbq aficianados. The rest of trip flew by and by sunset we were dipping our toes in chilly Lake Granbury.
Our twelve hour adventure was the most relaxing day. The kids laughed and talked all day long. We got our Texas bluebonnet photos and enjoyed each other's company. What more could we ask for?
The weather has not been cooperating for the past few years. With our great rain this year, I was expecting great things from the blubonnets. However, one quick check to a bluebonnet watcher website revealed that bluebonnets were 'aplenty in Potontoc, Texas. ??? No, I have never heard of it before. A couple of clicks later, the day trip was planned.
So, I love Texas in the spring. Even without the wildflowers coloring the lush green carpet of grass, Texas has a certain charm. We hopped in the truck- all six of us, and headed out to see the flowers and spend the day together.
Driving along highway 16, I fell into a reminiscence of my first memories of Texas. We moved to Texa when I was about 14. Of course, I hated it. Mostly because I was 14. I soon found a mentor who taught me how to train dogs and show like an expert. We would spend hours driving around Texas looking a dogs, buying and selling livestock and traveling to dog shows. My dear mentor told me stories about old dogs she had known, history of old Texas towns and regaled me with stories of her childhood. I learned to love Texas driving around with her.
Driving in the hill contry brought me back to those times that so greatly influenced my young and obnoxious life.
I hope to share my love of Texas and nature in general with my kids. I always point out flowers, trees, animals and other natural interests to them. I was rewarded for my efforts in Comanche. Around lunchtime we rolled into town and after a quick pitstop, headed to the city park to eat our picnic lunch. After lunch, we explored the large park and found the most amazing treasure- a great tree.
Check out the pics of our tree. The kids took to the tree and climbed all over it. While standing there, my imagination took over. I spent a long time imagining the things that tree has seen. It looks to be hundreds of years old. When it was time to go, I had to coax the kids out and drag them away from the tree. They loved that old amazing thing. I was so proud.
On to the next adventure of the day. We traveled for a couple of hours and hit the jackpot. Around a corner and over a hill, we drove into wonderland. A blanket of blue and yellow and orange lined the tiny little farmroad and dotted the hills and fields.
When we finally arrived in Pontotoc, we were rewarded with a large patch of bluebonnets, tall and as healthy as I have ever seen backdropped by an old crumbling building- piece of Texas history. My hubby read the historical marker and discovered that the building had been a teacher college in the past.
Photo Sharing by Polaroid Studio :: jtinker's Polaroid Studio Gallery :: Bluebonnets
The kids posed like pros and hung around admiring the flowers for a little while. The kids begged to go back to the tree in Comanche, but we finally decided to take 281 home and drop by Lake Granbury for a quick little dip before heading home.
In Llano, we picked up Cooper's bbq to go for me and hubby and Sonic for the kids. They are not bbq aficianados. The rest of trip flew by and by sunset we were dipping our toes in chilly Lake Granbury.
Our twelve hour adventure was the most relaxing day. The kids laughed and talked all day long. We got our Texas bluebonnet photos and enjoyed each other's company. What more could we ask for?
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