Monday, October 11, 2010

Race Report: Tyler Rose 5k 10-10-10

This is my second race officially, but the first non-mud run (which, by the way are still the most fun of all). My daughter Daisy decided she wanted to run a marathon about 6 months ago. Since she is only 12, we all discussed it and came to the conclusion that a half-marathon would be a good first timer goal. So we registered her for the Tyler Rose Half Marathon on October 10, 2010.

So we wouldn't have to sit around smelling porta-potties and snoozing while she ran, Dear Hubby and I decided to run the 5k. Since school started back up and I was given extra responsibilities (those that were filled by a full-time person in the past) in addition to my current teaching assignment, I have been so busy and exhuasted that working out has taken a back seat. I know, I know: It would help all things if I worked out too. I am getting back into the swing of things.

After about 6 weeks of very limited exercise, and sporting brand new non-shoes (my Vibram Five fingers) I stood next to dear hubby in the very frigid temperatures in shaded downtown Tyler, Texas. We cheered our daughter on and shivered befor the start of our race.

The announcer stated that there were over 1600 people registered for the day and the half marathon was the biggest draw with 900 participants. Since I was sporting my new very unique shoes, I was keeping an eye to the ground. I could only find 4 fellow Five Fingers in the whole crowd. Two very cool looking college students walked by and my daughter told me later that they pointed to my feet and said, "whew we are not the only ones." Then while I was at the starting line a guy behind me asked me how long I had my VFFs. I told him that I got them yesterday and he gave me that, "Are you insane? You never wear new shoes to a race" look until I reassured him by telling him that I had been running barefoot for a couple of months. He felt better. I think it is silly to be so rigid and formal. It is a 5k, not the Boston Marathon. What is the worst thing that could happen if I wore new shoes and something went awry? Ooooh a blister. Like I haven't dealt with that before.

The race started out chilly and I quickly realized as we took off down the first hill that my shoes were not going to be the problem. They were actually quite comfortable. My big problem was my pants. I was wearing spandex shorts that were about knee length and apparently too big. My pants kept falling down! I would run about 3-5 steps and have to yank my pants up. It was pretty embarrassing. Eventually, my belly swelled or something, cause they stopped falling down.

The run was fun and I really enjoyed most of it. I was greatful to have the VFFs. Running this course would have been torture on the feet. There was a large stretch of road that was paved with large chunks of rock and tar. Ouch.

The course was full of rolling hills and we were either climbing or descending a hill of some sort for most of the course. I only had to stop a couple of times to walk. I wasn't the fastest one out there, as I was being passed by women pushing strollers. I think I finished before the old man in the walker and the lady with the oxygen tank though.

I actually came in 27th in my age group with a time of 38:11! That is a 13ish minute mile. Not so hot, but it gives me something to strive for in the future. All in all it was a great day, finished off by bananas, protein bars and Subway provided by the sponsors. I would do it again, but I really want to do more obstacles and much more mud.

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