Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I like Numbers

I like numbers. Numbers can tell a story. Hopefully the numbers will tell the story of my fitness progress. Hopefully, that story will be a good one.

I met for the last time with my personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. My mom bought me a couple of sessions. We did a weigh in and measurements a month ago. I have been anticipating this day for weeks. I would prove to my overly cynical and disbelieving trainer that I was working the program and busting in to get in shape. So, no drum roll needed....I lost 5 pounds and 2.5 inches total in one month. I had to hold back tears as she wrote down each of the measurements.

 I was devastated for about an hour and bravely held back a few tears while I finished my workout. I had to have a good long chat with myself. You know one of those internal pep talks! I had to tell myself that progress was progress and that inches and pounds are disappearing. But at what cost? I have been pushing myself harder than I ever have in my life, hoping to have miraculous results at the weigh. Well, no music and no lights from the heavens at my weigh in.

After my workout and after standing in front of my bathroom mirror in serious contemplation, I came to a conclusion. The numbers can lie. I am in pants and shirts that I haven't worn in a long time. I am on the last hole in my belt. I have energy every day. My boobs stick out farther than my belly. I am getting stronger and have no problem making it through group workout classes. I can do 100 knees to elbows in 38 minutes!  I AM MAKING PROGRESS!

So, tonight I did a pilates/yoga class and enjoyed doing the downward facing dog stronger than I was last week. I even looked in the mirror and noticed visible changes (positive ones) to my figure.
The moral of the story is: Numbers are cool- I can keep track of my eating with numbers and I can manage my workouts with numbers and I can eventually see weight and inches disappear with numbers. But the numbers aren't everything. Who cares what I weigh? It's not a number that is tatooed on my forehead. So if I look good and feel good, the numbers really don't matter.
Don't get discouraged.  Keep up the good fight. Forget the numbers. Focus on the feeling.

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