Sunday, October 17, 2010

Clean Air 2010- Bike Rally

In conjunction with National Alternative Fuel Day (October 15) the City of Fort Worth along with the T, Fort Worth ISD, Atmos and other sponsors hosted a free bike rally in downtown Fort Worth. The rally was an  8.5 mile leisurely ride through downtown and along the Trinity River.

I found out about it on Friday while I was browsing looking for future races. After an uncomfortable night with some stomach indigestion, I got up at the crack of dawn, loaded my bike up and headed down to Sundance Square. I love downtown Fort Worth and if we were DINKS we would live there in a cool condo...

Anyway, I registered too late for a t-shirt, but got a weird bag that one of my girls will love to have. We started off a 9:00am. There were probably about 200 people including kids, adults and even an obnoxious barking Jack Russell terrier rading a specially made doggie trailer.

We had to follow the Fort Worth Police bike cops, and they had the donut eating cops in the lead, so the pace was very slow about 9 mph. Those of us riding mountain bikes broke rank and hit the dirt along the trail and then got busted by the in-shape cops for going ahead of the donut leading cops. So, back to the pack again.

It was fun and lasted a little over an hour. I enjoyed the ride and hanging out with other bike enthusiasts. It was fun seeing everyone's really cool bike jerseys and colorful outfits.

The whole point of the day was to encouage poeple to ride their bikes instead of driving. Apparently, according to their statistics, 50% of all people live within 5 miles of their work. And apparently that is a commutable bike distance. I work over 30 miles from home, but if I worked closer, I would commute by bike. Last summer when I attended a training in Colleyville, I rode my bike there one day and totally loved it.

Go ride!

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