Friday, June 18, 2010

16 pounds down....about 55 more to go!

Well, I am 22% of the way there! 55 more pounds to go! Good grief.
I also learned that you have to burn an extra 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat! Grrrrr...I am suddenly not so hungry anymore. Every time I think about eating, I think about having to burn 3500 calories. I suddenly found that little bit of motivation that put me over the edge. I have been terrible about cheating a little here and there, thinking it wouldn't matter, but when I started tracking my calories honestly, I was horrified at how quickly they add up! And guess what, down 2 more pounds.

Did a boxing class tonight at the gym. It started out painful and awful. My knees were stiff and hurting and I was pooped, but then suddenly about half way through, I go this kick of energy. The knees loosened up and I felt great. Still riding that high.

After the workout, I took my daughter to see The Karate Kid 2010! Have to say that I love watching Jackie Chan. He is an amazing athlete. Made me want to get back into martial arts badly. I miss it so much. My goal is to lose the weight by Spring of 2011 and then take up Karate or Krav Maga for maintenance.

Also learned that sleep deprivation is a huge hindrance to weight loss and here I am up at past midnight. Off to bed now.

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