Monday, October 25, 2010

The Bathing Suit Dilema

I bought a new bathing suit this summer- a two piece job with full skirt and flowing yards of fabric meant to cover the bulges and pooches that had grown an altogether too large presence on my body. Well, since I have been in the pool almost daily all summer and at least weekly this fall, the chlorine has taken it toll on ym suit. Once new and tight, the top part's fabric hangs down to my knees. I knotted it up to keep it looking sort of normal. I have also lost about 30 pounds and with every lap I swim, I come dangerouly close to flashing my fellow swimmers.

The bottoms were a no go last week. They kept falling down and then trying to fall off completely. Losing weight is awesome, and I am not complaining here....not at all. So, why you ask me, did I not get a new suit? Well, the answer is twofold. 1) I am cheap. 2) I havent' found one that I like. 3) I was hoping to lose another 30 pounds each week that I put off shopping for a suit, hoping.....

You see, I knew that my next bathing suit purchase would have to be one that is ruffle-less, skirtless, and had only enough fabric to cover the important bits. That meant is had to be form fitting! Ahhhh the horrors. The ruffles and skirths just cause too much drag in the water.

So, while I have lost 30 pounds, I am still about 40 or so from my goal weight. So there is not a smooth polished body to slip into a sleek new suit.

Well, last night, my hubby pointed out a huge tear in the suit while we were sitting in the hot tub. So, on the way out of the gym, the top part of my suit hit the trash can.

That meant tonight before we could swim, we had to go buy a suit. So, one quick trip to Academy, our favorite sporting goods store, and I walked out with a Speedo! I now own a shiny new Lycra competition swimming suit. It feels like rubber and is smooth and beautiful -- on the rack that is.

I left the store grimacing. While the suit fits over all of the important bits and technically did its job, it isn't very flattering. All the way to the gym, I made dear hubby promise not to laugh or think badly of me when I stepped out of the locker room in my form fitting suit. I felt kind of naked. I have been used to yards of fabric covering huge parts of me. And while I know I was deluding myself to think that the old faded unstretchy flasher suit of yesterday was in anyway flattering, it was somehow comforting to me.

Dear hubby redeemed himself and told me it looked great and I didn't look fat. How sweet. I quickly got in the water, and took off swimming if nothing but to get my mind of my exposed Lycra covered self.

My black shiny suit surprised me. It was a bit buoyant in the water, and without the yards of fabric clinging to me causing drag, I sped through the water with such ease and speed. My arms were strong and I was freely swimming like never before. My shiny black suit proved its worth, even though I cover myself with a towel and make my way quickly to and from the locker room.

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