Friday, June 17, 2011

Why aren't you doing what you want to do?

This morning, I woke up at 7:00 am and went walking with my 13 year-old daughter, a routine we started a couple of weeks ago and one that is already improving mother-daughter relations by a thousand fold. Then, I made my self a Shakeology and grabbed a ripe peach, did a little coloring project and here I am sipping my breakfast and munching on a juicy ripe fruit. Is there anything that smells and tastes better than a fresh ripe peach?

What does that have to do with the topic today? Everything. Because each of those actions was exactly what I wanted to do today so far. For the past two years I had a job that I loved. I was a teacher to about 75 gifted and talented students in a small district not too far from my home. I loved writing curriculum. I loved the challenges those unique kids threw at me. I loved every part of it. Then budget cuts came and I and about  20 others were "RIFed" this year. I saw it coming and wasn't really surprised by any of it.

So, since that chapter ended, a new one opens. For two years I was doing what I wanted to do. Towards the end, I was less and less happy with the politics and dysfunction in public education, so if truth be told, I was actually relieved when it all ended.

Anyone who is or was a teacher will know that it takes about two weeks to fully recover from the past school year. Two weeks have gone by and about twelve naps later, I am ready to look at my situation. What am I going to do? What do I want to do? I have a full palette of skills, experiences, passions, interests, friends and supporters and I am staring at the empty canvas of the next chapter of my life. It is really very exciting.

So, now I am intentionally creating the life I want to live. It is not all clear exactly what that is going to look like. I have a list a mile long of things I want to do. There is no end of combinations and opportunities to draw from. The problem is not coming up with ideas, the problem is picking one!

My new rule is: "I will do exactly what I want to do." I am going to create the life I have always dreamed of creating. I will put aside fear and doubt and just go for it. I have nothing to lose.

How is an unemployed teacher with three months of pay left going to accomplish this? I will tell you. I am going to do it. I am going to narrow down my projects and I am going to start doing it. I have about 90 days to start making at least enough cover my income, then the sky's the limit.

I am going to list all of my ideas and then plan out how to make money with each idea, then I am going to pick one and start working it. I am very excited. I will keep you updated on my progress. Wish me luck!