Sunday, July 11, 2010

No More Knee Pain- Corrective Stretching

I have knee pain. It is something I have suffered with for as long as I can remember. When I was 12 I was seeing a specialist. When I was doing karate a couple of years ago, it was almost intolerable.

During our CrossFit workouts, my coach and brother noticed how tight the muscles in my thighs and calves and hamstrings are. I have these massive calves and super strong muscles, my best physical traits. He told me that the tightness is what is causing the knee pain.

I decided to get on the internet and do my own research, and here is what I found. It turns out you have this thing called an IT band. It connects glutes to the tibia. It is attaches to the patella or kneecap on its way to the tibia. That causes a problem aka pain in the knee. All of the symptoms match- especially the pulling of the kneecap to the outside when I walk or move my legs up and down.

To fix the pain caused by IT band tightness which turns into Patella Femoral Tracking Dysfunction, I just have to roll up and down on this foam tube. You can check out the videos below for demons and more information. The rolling is pretty painful at first.

The next step is to loosen up my hip flexor muscles. I added a few samples of exercises that I am adding to my routine every day to improve my flexibility. I am having trouble doing all of the exercises in CrossFit due to my in-flexibility. Additionally, inflexibility is a path to injury and chronic pain. Updates to come!

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