It is back to school for me! Well, at least back to teacher stuff. I have a Math training for three days in a city nearby, 10.3 miles to be exact. So, Sunday night I was getting directions from Google maps and noticed a new feature. There is a button above the directions that you can click to get a bike route! Way cool. I clicked the button and had an idea. I was going to ride my bike to the training location!
I know the whole point of riding bikes is not only to get in shape, but to go green too. In slight opposition to the green thing, dear hubby and I drove the route right away to make sure it was truly a safe bike route. I packed my clothes, some deodorant, a hairbrush and some pens (for the training). I also packed a lot of food, cause I knew I would be hungry.
Laying in bed Sunday night, I was very nervous. Weird huh? But this trip would take me outside my comfort zone and my quiet little neighborhood. Since I have been riding my bike, I have ridden over 10 miles at a time. I just completed it in my neighborhood - riding all around the parks in the neighborhood. For me this was a big deal. I was feeling very exposed. I never realized how safe and comfortable I feel in my car. I was really nervous about riding my bike alone so far in a strange neighborhood, technically through 3 cities.
I was up and at 'em early. I checked my brakes, got my water, started the tunes and headed out. Dear Hubby rode with me to the first major intersection and watched me safely cross like a nervous mother hen. Then I was on my own.
The ride was beautiful and peaceful. I left myself extra time so I could change when I got to the training center. I was really tired and it took about 4 miles of riding to get warmed up and energized. I played it safe and crossed at the crosswalks and spent time on the sidewalks. At one point, my back breaks had some sort of malfunction, and stopped working altogether. Fortunately, my front brakes were working fine- disaster averted.
I arrived at my destination, made like superwoman and changed in the bathroom. Total ride 10.3 miles. Total calories burned: 1200.
All said and done, I am very proud of myself and of what I accomplished. I was brave. I had an adventure! And I am doing it again tomorrow!
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