Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I can't dance...

I decided to take a Zumba class tonight. Ahhhh....I can't dance. I felt like a big goober. Our instructor is from Argentina and is beautiful and flexible and full of fire. I got lost in the moves so many time, however, I was sweating a lot. I talked to some of my classmates and they said that it took them about a month to get the moves down. So, I will think about sticking with it. I missed my crossfit workout today and was thinking fondly of it while I was spinning around in circles and trying to get my hips to shake and move.

My knees are really hurting tonight so I am sitting with some icepacks on each one as I write this. I have a history of knee problems, so I am going to keep an eye on it.
Good night...sweet dreams.

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