Monday, September 6, 2010

Rehab setbacks

Ugh...did I tell you that injuries suck? I guess I have. Well, a massage, three trips to the chiropractor and several acupuncture visits have not made a huge impact on my situation. I started to make some really good progress, then I woke up one morning back at square one.

My first adventure race is in two weeks and I am terrified. I am pretty sure I will attempt it no matter my condition and that is what is really frightening.

A friend of mine wants me to do an extreme adventure race next month. I told her "We will see." I think I am a lunatic. I can barely get out of bed, can't bend over to pick anything off the ground, have to lower myself into a sitting position using upper arm strength, and then do strange contortions to get back up again trying to find the least painful movement.


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