Friday, July 9, 2010

I Think I will run a Triathalon

So, I am going to run a triathlon. I am pretty nervous about it. I have never considered myself an athlete, but I am so excited about this. At the same time, I am feeling a bit anxious too. The thing is that most triathalons take place in a lake or other natural bed of water. I am big on nature and love being near the water, not swimming in it, especially in Texas.... So, I found an event where the water part is in a pool and in my home town of Keller. The Monster Triathalon in October. The training videos and articles I am reading are all saying that I should give myself six months to train. Well, I am giving myself less than that!

Training for the triathlon has begun. We rode 10 miles with Daisy yesterday. It took 70 minutes because we were riding at her running speed. I am going to have to work on my own too. I think the adventure racing and triathlons will help me stay motivated in this healthy new life adventure I am on.

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