Monday, June 14, 2010

Crossfit Workout of the Day!

Dear hubby and I are working on losing the weight and getting into great shape. So we decided to workout using the crossfit program. Crossfit is like a workout on steroids. Lots of military special forces and law enforcement agencies use it. So what the heck, right? We enlisted the help of my brother a crossfit trainer to get us started and on the right track.

He is teaching us form and technique every Sunday morning in the park. Yesterday, we did an exercise called "Deck of Cards." My brother assigned each suit in the deck an exercise like diamonds were knees to elbows from a dangling position on the monkey bars, hearts were push-ups, clubs were dip and press, and spades were squats, jokers were 10 burpees and aces made us run a very long way. So we picked a card and whatever suit we picked, determined the activity and the number on the card determined the number of exercises. While, fun that torture lasted for about 20 minutes or so.

In our post work out stupor, we all decided to run the White Rock Marathon as a relay team in December and my 12 year old daughter who loves running decided to train for the full marathon! I am not all that excited about running, but running in a full marathon would be so cool. One of my bigest fitness goals is to return to martial arts again and get my black belt. I started in karate because of my kids and I fell in love with it. I miss doing it so much, but right now I need to get back in shape so when I return to the sport, I will be able to focus on technique, and not wheeze around the ring like an old fat geiser!

Today, dear hubby and I did our first Work out of the day without our coach! We rowed 3500 meters and did 50 bench presses at 100 pounds each. We are so excited about it. Each night they post the next day's workout and tomorrow looks like more rowing! I really enjoyed the rowing machine today.

I never used to be able to imagine myself as an athlete, but now I am starting to get that dream in the back of my mind. I am totally motivated to make it happen.

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