Friday, July 23, 2010

Paleo- Zone Diet

In addition to working out, I have changed my diet. I have been diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) in the past. Now I tell you that, so that you understand that sugar and white starches do terrible things to my body- cause a great deal of inflammation, fatigue, muscle and joint pain- to name a few.

I also have some strong personal imperatives about diet and lifestyle:
1) No FAKE sweeteners.
2) No hormones.
3) Lots of fresh and organic food.
4) Avoid processed foods.
5) Avoid dairy.

A diet for me has to meet all of those criteria. You see, minus the wicked sugar cravings and subsequent indulgences, I eat pretty healthy. Eating out is also a weakness for me as well.

Dear hubby and I tried Atkins about 8 years ago with some great success. Since, Atkins didn't allow many good carbs, like veggies and fruits we sort of did an alternative like South Beach. But South Beach encourages lots of fake sweeteners. I was looking for something a little more balanced that fit all of my criteria. After a good deal of research, I fell upon the Zone Diet and the Paleo Diet. The Zone is very balanced 30% Fat & 30% Protein & 40% Carbs (good carbs). The Paleo diet encourages dieters to eat like a cave man- which means that you eat natural foods, no dairy, no processed food, no sugars or flours, no grains, no beans...lots of vegetables and lean meats some fruits...The Zone encourages the balance and portion control and Paleo encourages eating the foods I am inclined to eat anyway. So, I am going with the Zone Paleo combination diet!

Giving up sugar is hard and we incorporate a cheat day once a week. Although, I am now inclined to cheat less because of the way it makes me feel. Some days are really hard even after several weeks of clean eating. Hormones, stress and anxiety make it worse.

However, the improvements in my health since the diet have been great! I no longer suffer from middle of the night acid reflux induced vomiting. I can lay on my stomach without acid problems. My wedding ring fits again! My belly is not hard and distended anymore. Soft and mushy, while not ideal, is better than tender and distended. The acne is gone for the most part- minus the hormone induced bouts once a month and I am hoping that will improve as well over time. I have energy all day long and feel much better. The late night anxiety attacks only occur after a sugar binge on cheat day...

Read about it in the following books:

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