Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Recovering from Injuries

I really am opposed to whining. But every now and then we must all indulge from time to time. I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago and it has been driving me crazy. I can't bend over and sitting down to pee is an act of torture. If I was a captured spy and the evil minions made me pee in this condition, I would have talked.

I had been pushing myself really hard lately and driving forward on the fitness thing like a maniac. I was tired, my body was tired and then it happened. The first workout went something like this: CrossFit Hero Workout "Adam Brown" 2 rounds for time (for those of you who don't CrossFit and have not been following my blog of very informative content- for time means "do it as fast as you can").
115# deadlift x24 reps
box jump x 24 reps
wall ball 20# x 24 reps (10 feet high)
70 # bench press x 24 reps
box jumps again x 24 reps
wall ball again 20# x 24 reps
70# clean x 24 reps
(yes, then you do it again and look at your watch to see how amazing or un-amazing you are)
I did all of this in 41:33 minutes. I am not that amazing...yet

Well, then the next workout the next day consisted of 3 rounds for time:
70# ground to overhead x 10
200 m shuffle sprint (50m down and back x 2)

I don't know how long all of this took, since I didn't write it down. I think I was in too much pain to remember what was going on. It probably took me a very long time. I remember thinking, "Wow my back is really hurting...I should probably stop now." And then I didn't stop. I am somehow obsessed with finishing the job.

So then I went to bed and woke up the next morning with so much pain, that I cried when I sat down to pee, wishing I didn't have to sit down and pee. And I remember I think I had penis envy for the first time in my life.

Rehabbing has been excrutiatingly slow. It seemed for awhile that my back would never heal. However, I have learned some things in all this pain and agony.
1) I should probably be much softer with myself and rest more frequently.
2) I didn't gain any weight while on a 2-3 week break. In fact I lost a few pounds while I ate poorly. I guess my metablism is getting better.
3) My legs and thighs and hips are so tight and inflexible. I need to really focus on the basics before I go on to adding so much weight again. So now I torture myself each night rolling my IT bands on a hard foam roller on the ground while the dogs lick my face and roll around on the floor believing with all of their hearts that I am on the floor with every intention of playing with them.

So I am back to square one. Goal number 1: Do a proper squat....hmmmm more on that later.

I finally decided to go see my chiropractor about the back injury. Well, he listened to what has been going on in my life lately (AKA lots and lots of stress) and laughed. I asked why he was laughing and he asked me if I really thought this was structural or stress induced....

So he did something called NET (neuro emotional technique) and we cleared up some strong emotional issues related to stress in my life. He adjusted my femur with his little thumper thingy and sent me on the way. My healing started to progress rapidly and now I am almost back to where I started. Ah, you thought I was going to say I was almost back to normal. Well, no. I would never claim to be normal...

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