Sunday, June 13, 2010

Health Kick

I have been on this health kick and embarked on this weight loss and conditioning thing for about 6 weeks now. This is not the first time I have started this. I was actually in pretty good shape at a time or two in my life. I worked out everyday and passed a really hard firefighter physical agility test which I was told most chicks fail.

So what happened? Well, after about 6 years of failed attempts to get pregnant, we adopted a sibling group of 5 from Texas CPS. And I fell off the wagon. We had been off sugar and doing a very healthy lifestyle for several years. The first weekend we met our kids, our caseworker told us to bring snacks to win our way into the hearts of our new children. I had a weak moment and had a handful of M&Ms. And that was it. I didn’t even like them anymore, but I was off the wagon so to speak. And 6 years later I had gained 50 pounds! I attribute it to the stress of instant family and the financial issues that come with being a stay at home mom making ends meet for a family of 7 on a cop’s salary.

Now, that kids are all in school and doing really well and I am back to work, I am ready to take on the challenge of losing that weight and getting my butt back in shape. It has not been an easy thing this time around. BK (Before Kids) I had a stubborn resolve and didn’t eat one tiny ounce of sugar for almost 2 years. Now, I am working on saying "No" to myself.

Well, update? Six weeks into it and I am down 14 pounds. Yeah! It seems to be coming off ever so SLOWLY. My family has started our own version of Biggest Loser and we have joined 24 hour fitness and enlisted the help of my brother for weekly Crossfit workouts on Sunday mornings. He is a crossfit trainer and SWAT member and a tough drill seargent.

I love the Crossfit workouts, especially when they are over! I am really enjoying working out during the week and am really making this a lifestyle change.
Good luck to all of you who are out there trying to get in shape and getting your life under control.
Talk to you soon…

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