Saturday, December 18, 2010

November Turkey Roll

I am a little (well, a lot) late in this posting. Looks like the Turkey Roll is the last race of the year for me! It was a great race. Started out pretty chilly in Denton, with a very strong tail wind.

At the beginning of the race, heading out of Denton towards the country, the hills were mostly gently sloping downward. I even set my fastest speed on my bike so far! A record 30 mph down hill. It occurred to me that while I was enjoying the fast pace, what goes down must come up and at the end of the race. I tried to put the mental pictures of pushing myself up the hills at the end of the race out of my mind and kept moving forward.

I made great time to the turn around. I stopped for some snacks and then headed back. I momentarily toyed with the idea of taking the 37 mile turn off to keep going, but decided that I should work with in my limits (since the only exercise I had partaken in since the last race was 3 whole spinning classes). A great decision on my part! The way back was torture. The wind picked up greatly and I was having a hard time getting up to 5 mph! It looked like the last 10 miles was going to take forever! On the first leg, I was making record (for me) time. Well, the record was blown on the trip home. I plugged along like a turtle. I found out later that I was battling 30 mph winds all the way home.

I finally pulled into the finish, tears welling up in my eyes. My knees were killing me. I hobbled to the truck, loaded up and headed home. The knee pain subsided within an hour and I was well pleased with my effort.

Looking forward to the spring rides!

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